Grubuntu / PieMenu

Fork of PieMenu, with some improvements
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Implementing separator in PieMenus #59

Closed Grubuntu closed 4 months ago

Grubuntu commented 4 months ago

As requested in this thread :

And as I'd already tried to work on it, and I've finally managed to implement the addition of separators in the menus :

Capture d’écran (142)

Capture d’écran (143)

I've chosen to make the selectors and associated text (display command name) completely transparent in all styles, but this can be changed.

Can you try it and tell me what you think?

The PieMenuAddSeparator.svg icon could be improved, what do you think @pgilfernandez ? PieMenuAddSeparator

Thank you.

pgilfernandez commented 4 months ago


I have just tested the separator feature and it doesn't work for me... when pressing the "separator" button it happens nothing...

I'm gonna have a look at the icon now but it looks nice

pgilfernandez commented 4 months ago

I've created a PR for an improved AddSeparator icon version ;)

Any idea why it's not working the feature itself for me? the separator is not added to the list of commands available for the pie...

Grubuntu commented 4 months ago

Thanks for your tests. I've just tried it on a blank installation and I've got the same problem. I'll keep digging and let you know.

Grubuntu commented 4 months ago

I found out why it worked for me during my tests: while developing the code, I had created a menu bar that contained the fake 'Separator' command and it worked.

In FreeCAD, if a custom command isn't assigned to a menu bar, PieMenu can't find it...

I'm looking into how to resolve this as best I can.

Capture d’écran (145)

pgilfernandez commented 4 months ago

Umm, I can't even do it manually, "PieMenu" category is not available...

Grubuntu commented 4 months ago

I've tried to correct the problem, so you can try again. Thanks for your time.

pgilfernandez commented 4 months ago

Here it works perfectly, congrats!

hasecilu commented 4 months ago

Same here, very neat feature!