Grubuntu / PieMenu

Fork of PieMenu, with some improvements
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Black FreeCAD window on PieMenu activation #81

Closed Atenath closed 1 month ago

Atenath commented 1 month ago

Don't know if it's just me but I can't fully try this wonderfully looking addon. Because everytime I activate it with TAB or custom assigned shortcut I get a black screen:


Then next time I activate again, and it shows previous locations when I activated this menu +new one. And it happens everytime.


Am I the only one having this issue? Using Linux Mint with FreeCAD DEV version. But in 0.21.2 I get same results.

Grubuntu commented 1 month ago


First thing you can try, in FreeCAD Setting try different theme or stylesheets.

I will try to reproduce the problem in a Virtual Machine, can you tell me which Window Manager you use?

Edit : I've just try with a fresh VM install of Linux Mint 21.3 Xfce and FreeCAD 0.22.37573: it works properly.

Atenath commented 1 month ago

Not quite sure what do you mean by windows manager (I'm not that tech savyy on linux yet). But what can I tell you for sure I use default Linux Mint Cinnamon edition. With the help of google I think it's called Muffin. Hope this helps.

Also I've tried as you suggested to change theme. Even tried to change theme and fully restart FreeCAD, and then activate PieMenu. But no luck here.

Grubuntu commented 1 month ago

I've just install a fresh VM with Linux Mint 21.3 Cinnamon, it works fine for me with FreeCAD 0.22Dev, I can't reproduce the issue... Capture d’écran (209)

Perhaps a driver or hardware issue... I've seen this before :

Try to update your system, check your Python version, but without more clues, I don't know where to look.

Capture d’écran (210)

Grubuntu commented 1 month ago

I don't know if this has anything to do with it, but it could be a clue:

Atenath commented 1 month ago

Well I've tried your suggestions. First what I've tried to do is using Nvidia driver 535 switched to Wayland (Experimental) problem solved. Also i've tried to revert to default and then update nvidia drivers (545) but it failed to install so after restart it changed to default opensource nouveau drivers and also there were no problems.

Then after two lucky shots I've decided to go back to Nvidia 535 and default X11. And PieMenu dark screen appears again.

I feel a little bit silly because I forget to check those simple things first. But at least now we can be sure it's not a PieMenu bug it has to do something with drivers. And looks like both links you provided (quick readthroug) suggest the same issues.

Grubuntu commented 1 month ago

Thanks for your reply, I happy to see that you have solved your issue.