I've found at least two bugs with achievements API:
I can't use "setStepsAchievement" function. I've researched your code and found that there is difference in naming at calling it in Achievements.as class:
_context.call("setStepsAchivement", achievementId,numSteps);
and mapping it in ExtensionContext.java:
functionMap.put("setStepsAchievement", new SetStepsAchievementFunction());
Because of this I get an error that context doesn't have such method.
IncrementAchievement() is not working. You has the following code:
achievementId = arg1[0].getAsString();
numSteps = arg1[0].getAsInt();
As you can see you take element with 0 index twice. So the second parameter numSteps just has no sense.
Please can you please fix it and rebuild the ane?
I'm not familiar with github and have no experience in building ane but anyway I will try to make it by myself. But if thi repo is alive and you'll make it faster than me, I'd be glad.
I've check it out and found the same problem in SetStepsAchievementFunction.java as in IncrementAchievementFunction.java.
Double usage of 0-index argument.
I've found at least two bugs with achievements API:
Please can you please fix it and rebuild the ane? I'm not familiar with github and have no experience in building ane but anyway I will try to make it by myself. But if thi repo is alive and you'll make it faster than me, I'd be glad.
Thanks for ane anyway!