Open hallard opened 4 years ago
Self answering after digging into GNSS library and done some copy/paste
If I initialize GNSS pins with arduino
like number (see function gnssBegin_Arduino()
) it does not works, but if I'm doing with STM32
like with gnssBegin_STM32()
it works, may be a pin state that differs (because pin mapping number are correct, it's very strange.
See below
#include <STM32L0.h>
#include "wiring_private.h"
#define SerialMon Serial
#define SerialGNSS Serial1
// CAM M8Q GNSS configuration (Arduino pin number mode)
#define GNSS_ENABLE (5u) // enable for GNSS 3.0 V LDO
#define GNSS_PPS (4u) // 1 Hz fix pulse
#define GNSS_BACKUP A0
// CAM M8Q GNSS configuration (STM32 framework pin number mode)
uint16_t stm32_enable_pin = g_APinDescription[GNSS_ENABLE].pin;
uint16_t stm32_pps_pin = g_APinDescription[GNSS_PPS].pin;
uint16_t stm32_backup_pin = g_APinDescription[GNSS_BACKUP].pin;
volatile bool pps_irq;
void int_pps(void) {
pps_irq = true;
void gnssBegin_Arduino()
digitalWrite(GNSS_BACKUP, HIGH);
// Set GNSS state to active
digitalWrite(GNSS_ENABLE, HIGH);
attachInterrupt(GNSS_PPS, int_pps, FALLING);
void gnssBegin_STM32()
stm32l0_gpio_pin_configure(stm32_backup_pin, (STM32L0_GPIO_PARK_NONE | STM32L0_GPIO_PUPD_PULLUP | STM32L0_GPIO_OSPEED_LOW | STM32L0_GPIO_OTYPE_PUSHPULL | STM32L0_GPIO_MODE_OUTPUT));
stm32l0_gpio_pin_write(stm32_backup_pin, 1);
stm32l0_gpio_pin_configure(stm32_enable_pin, (STM32L0_GPIO_PARK_NONE | STM32L0_GPIO_PUPD_PULLUP | STM32L0_GPIO_OSPEED_LOW | STM32L0_GPIO_OTYPE_PUSHPULL | STM32L0_GPIO_MODE_OUTPUT));
stm32l0_gpio_pin_write(stm32_enable_pin, 1);
stm32l0_exti_attach(stm32_pps_pin, STM32L0_EXTI_CONTROL_EDGE_FALLING | STM32L0_EXTI_CONTROL_PRIORITY_CRITICAL, (stm32l0_exti_callback_t)&int_pps, (void*)NULL);
void setup()
// Start communication
// Wait for USB serial mounted in 5s max
while (!SerialMon && millis()<5000) {
SerialMon.println("\r\n\r\n*** Starting firmware GNSS Passtrhu ***");
SerialMon.println("GNSS Arduino/STM32 Connected pins");
SerialMon.print("ENABLE="); SerialMon.print(GNSS_ENABLE);
SerialMon.print("/"); SerialMon.print(stm32_enable_pin);
SerialMon.print(" BACKUP=");SerialMon.print(GNSS_BACKUP);
SerialMon.print("/"); SerialMon.print(stm32_backup_pin);
SerialMon.print(" PPS="); SerialMon.print(GNSS_PPS);
SerialMon.print("/"); SerialMon.println(stm32_pps_pin);
SerialMon.println("Setup done!");
// Forward every message to the other serial
void loop()
while (SerialMon.available()) {
while (SerialGNSS.available()) {
// Got PPS (each second once fixed)
if (pps_irq){
pps_irq = false;
//SerialMon.println("Got PPS");
Interesting, isn't it :-)
@hallard I am observing the same thing, however this does work on the latest release, but not on the master,
Correct, I'm using master also and was working before.
@hallard Have found the problem and the solution. See
There is a problem with custom board definitions as the DMA channels and/or Timers have changed and this affects serial.
@SloMusti awesome, I need to report back, the $1 000 000 question is why it has been changed in variant, surely @GrumpyOldPizza had a good reason which could be fine to know :-)
The DMA assignments were changed to support async SPI (so that you can transfer in the background to say a e-Paper thingy).
The change in DMA assignments does not make any difference. The UART driver works with and without DMA on RX and TX. It's just that STM32L0 really wants DMA on RX to avoid missing characters at higher speeds.
Please do not hack around trying to use the GNSS UART directly. The uBLOX parts are painfully fragile if you wanna get low power correctly.
If you want to send a command, you could use the same logic as the GNSS class does (for AssistNow). If you want to use the GNSS in passthrou, then yes, you have to mess with the LDO/BACKUP pins directly bypassing Arduino, as those GPIOs have been blocked off.
@GrumpyOldPizza thank you for the reply. The passthrough option is what we use simply to validate GPS is alive in testing, not for any real use. GNSS library is used in that case on my end always.
The interesting change has been that the order in which Serial and Serial1 are initialized mattered, until we have fixed our custom variant.
I'm trying to get working a GNSS passthru code to be able to connect UBLOX U-Center to Gnat board to play with GPS.
Unfortunately, I never get it to work, so I tried something very simple without any success either.
Even if sample sketches using
(initialized withGNSS.begin(GNSS.MODE_NMEA, GNSS.RATE_1HZ)
) with this board is working perfectly fine, when I'm using my sketch, I'm just trying to get RAW output from the GPS such as NMEA strings, I got nothing even if I power the GPS.I may forget something basic, but don't know what, this is the simple sketch I'm using.
And of course the output, nothing on it don't get even any IRQ fix, what am I missing ?