GrumpyOldPizza / ArduinoCore-stm32l0

Arduino Core for STM32L0
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Wire: Let requestFrom return the number of available bytes #165

Open matthijskooijman opened 3 years ago

matthijskooijman commented 3 years ago

Previously, it would return the number of requested bytes, even if the slave returned a NAK on the address byte, preventing libraries to detect such a NAK. For example, the SparkFun HTU21D library would fail to read humidity, because the "I'm not ready measuring"-NAK would look like a successful read, but with dummy data.

This matches the return value with that of the official Arduino versions and the documentation at

GrumpyOldPizza commented 3 years ago

ACK. I recall having coded that specifically as to one of the cores (must have been ArduinoCore-samd at the time) had exactly those semantics.

matthijskooijman commented 3 years ago

Yup, seems they fixed it for SAMD here-ish ( and it now looks like this: