Gruntfuggly / activitusbar

A VSCode extension to save some real estate by recreating the activity bar buttons on the status bar
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Cannot see icons #31

Closed pkail closed 4 years ago

pkail commented 4 years ago

Activitusbar worked perfectly for many months. Today, I cannot see the icons. I can see the tooltips, but not the buttons. If I press where the buttons would be they work: I just can't see them. I uninstalled VSCode and Activitusbar; I deleted the AB directory and then reinstalled. I updated the dependencies in the package.json file.

Gruntfuggly commented 4 years ago

I recently made a change so that the colours can be derived from the theme (which works better in debug mode for example).

Do you have any configuration settings defined for activitusbar? If so, can you try commenting them out and seeing if that makes it work. If so, can you post the settings so I can see what the problem is?

Sorry for the inconvenience - I hoped it wouldn't have any impact on existing users.

You could also revert back to a previous version if you need to (probably 0.0.26).

pkail commented 4 years ago

Thanks very much for your help. There are no specific config files for AB as far as I can see. However, there are settings in my VSCode settings.json which set the colour to white (in two places). White is the colour I need to make them visible. However, they're not visible with those settings. When I edit out all the AB settings out the icons appear: they are white but very faint. I'll try version 0.0.26.

Here are the settings I am commenting out:: / "activitusbar.activeColour": "white", "activitusbar.views": [ { "name": "explorer", "octicon": "file-text" }, { "name": "search", "octicon": "search" }, { "name": "scm", "octicon": "repo-forked" }, { "name": "debug", "octicon": "bug" }, { "name": "extensions", "octicon": "package" }, { "name": "settings", "octicon": "gear", }, { "name": "extension.bookmarks", "octicon": "bookmark", }, { "name": "extension.gitlens", "octicon": "git-branch", }, { "name": "extension.project-manager", "octicon": "browser", }, { "name": "extension.SQLToolsExplorer", "octicon": "database" } ], / // "activitusbar.inactiveColour": "white",

Gruntfuggly commented 4 years ago

With the settings commented out, does the currently selected view become brighter when you click the buttons?

Can you take a screenshot for me?

Gruntfuggly commented 4 years ago

Ah - I think I know what's going on - you're using named colours. Try using #ffffff instead of white. I didn't realise it even worked like that?

pkail commented 4 years ago

With the settings commented out, does the currently selected view become brighter when you click the buttons? No it doesn't. Instead, the background area around the buttons becomes slightly brighter, making them less visible. Screenshot from 2020-04-30 06-23-07

Ah - I think I know what's going on - you're using named colours. Try using #ffffff instead of white. I didn't realise it even worked like that? Yes, that works. Thanks very much for your help!

Gruntfuggly commented 4 years ago

Did it work before with 'white'? I think that must have been a fluke. If the colour starts with a '#' it uses it as a hex code. If not, it looks for a matching theme colour, which in this case it didn't find.

I'll make a change so that it defaults to something more sensible and maybe add support for the named colours too.

Gruntfuggly commented 4 years ago

Latest version supports hex colours, theme colours and CSS/HTML colour names.

pkail commented 4 years ago

Thanks for all your work!

Gruntfuggly commented 4 years ago

You're welcome!