Gruntfuggly / activitusbar

A VSCode extension to save some real estate by recreating the activity bar buttons on the status bar
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Showing Project Manager extension does not work #65

Closed ecstayalive closed 1 year ago

ecstayalive commented 1 year ago

For some unkonwn reason, after updating the activitusbar extension, it can't add an working project-manager icon to the bottom. Below is my settings.json file.

activitusbar.views": [
            "name": "explorer",
            "codicon": "explorer-view-icon"
            "name": "search",
            "codicon": "search-view-icon"
            "name": "scm",
            "codicon": "source-control-view-icon"
            "name": "debug",
            "codicon": "run-view-icon"
            "name": "extensions",
            "codicon": "extensions-view-icon"
            "name": "extension.project-manager",
            "codicon": "folder"
            "name": "settings",
            "codicon": "gear"
Gruntfuggly commented 1 year ago

Try it without 'extension.' - it now just uses the view name from the extension. You should be able to find it in the extension's package.json file, or have a look in the 'feature contributions' page of the extension within vscode.

ecstayalive commented 1 year ago

Try it without 'extension.' - it now just uses the view name from the extension. You should be able to find it in the extension's package.json file, or have a look in the 'feature contributions' page of the extension within vscode.

I have already changed it. But when i click the button, it just opens and closes the sidebar. Here is the content after changing.

    "name": "project-manager",
    "codicon": "folder"
Gruntfuggly commented 1 year ago

Is project-manager definitely the correct name for the view? What is the extension that you are trying to open?

ecstayalive commented 1 year ago

This time i understand what you mean, and it works. I am deeply grateful to you. Here is the steps and these steps may help others. First, i enter into the vscode extensions folder.

cd /home/USER_NAME/.vscode/extensions/EXTENSION_NAME/

Second, find and view the package.json. For example, in extension Project Manager, part of its package.json reads as follows:

        "name": "project-manager",
    "displayName": "Project Manager",
    "description": "Easily switch between projects",
    "version": "12.7.0",
    "publisher": "alefragnani",
        "contributes": {
        "viewsContainers": {
            "activitybar": [
                    "id": "project-manager",
                    "title": "%projectManager.activitybar.title%",
                    "icon": "images/project-manager-side-bar.svg"
        "views": {
            "project-manager": [
                    "id": "projectsExplorerFavorites",
                    "name": "Favorites"

In the 'feature contributions' page, you can find the id name in the keyword 'views'. Then add it to the settings.json, and it will work. Below is the settings.json file.

"activitusbar.views": [
            "name": "explorer",
            "codicon": "explorer-view-icon"
            "name": "search",
            "codicon": "search-view-icon"
            "name": "scm",
            "codicon": "source-control-view-icon"
            "name": "debug",
            "codicon": "run-view-icon"
            "name": "extensions",
            "codicon": "extensions-view-icon"
            "name": "projectsExplorerFavorites",
            "codicon": "folder"
            "name": "settings",
            "codicon": "gear"

Thanks again.

Gruntfuggly commented 1 year ago

Glad you got it working!