go to extentions dir, eg. in Windows, will find in c:/Users/xxx/vscode\extensions\gruntfuggly.activitusbar-0.0.47, find this file: extension.js
add "remote-explorer": {"codicon": "remote-explorer","tooltip": "remote-explorer","command": "workbench.view.remote"}
in the end of var mapping, pay attention to add an comma before this text
open setting.json, add { "name": "remote-explorer", "codicon": "remote-explorer" } . pay attention to add an comma before this text
"remote-explorer": {
"codicon": "remote-explorer",
"tooltip": "remote-explorer",
"command": "workbench.view.remote"
in the end ofvar mapping
, pay attention to add an comma before this text{ "name": "remote-explorer", "codicon": "remote-explorer" }
. pay attention to add an comma before this text