Gruntfuggly / formatOnIdle

A vscode extension to format the current editor when the user stops typing
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tslint isn't called #2

Open RefinedSoftwareLLC opened 5 years ago

RefinedSoftwareLLC commented 5 years ago

Please also run the tslint formater when you trigger formats.

Maybe you could enable a config setting where users can add any extention command they need, allowing them to run the format fixer of any rare extention.

Gruntfuggly commented 5 years ago

Currently it just uses the vscode.executeFormatDocumentProvider to format the document. How is the tslint formatter normally run?

I'll add a configuration setting to allow a custom formatter to be run insetad and use the above as a default...

RefinedSoftwareLLC commented 5 years ago

Just so there isn't a confustion.

1) I still need the normal formaters to run. But thinking about it, maybe others don't. A setting to toggle if vscode.executeFormatDocumentProvider is run would be useful.

2) TSLint is just 1 formater I have run into but like above, I want multiple to run. Could your new setting allow a list, instead of just a single custom formatter?

Thanks for your quick response!

Gruntfuggly commented 5 years ago

Yes, both those points make sense - it's probably worth adding two lists - commands to be run before the document formatter, and comands to be run after...