Gruntfuggly / global-config

Allows copying of shared config settings in vscode
MIT License
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Help required in configuring the extension. #4

Closed kalpaj12 closed 5 years ago

kalpaj12 commented 5 years ago

I have a .vscode folder with a few shell files that run when executing a .cpp task. This .vscode folder is currently on my desktop. When I try creating a new .cpp file (not on desktop), It opts me to create a new task. I've made changes to global-config.folder by changing its fields to /home/kalpaj/Desktop /.vscode.

Can I know what steps am I missing, and if possible a step by step guide on how to configure this extension properly? Thanks in advance!

Gruntfuggly commented 5 years ago

Hi - I'm not sure what is causing the problem you are seeing? The extension just copies files from the global-config.folder into the .vscode folder in your workspace.


I have a folder ~/dev-support/vscode/standard/linux which contains: c_cpp_properties.json launch.json settings.json tasks.json

If I then have a workspace such as:


When I run the global config copy command, it copies the above files into:


(it creates soft links for the tasks.json file as I want it to be the same in all my workspaces).

Could you list the steps you are doing, so I can try the same thing?

kalpaj12 commented 5 years ago

When I run the global config copy command, it copies the above files into... I was missing this step. Everything works fine now! Thanks for the extension. P.s. I could suggest a readme update with explicit step by step instructions. It was no where mentioned to run the copy command, and creation of symlink(vs code settings to be copied over different workspaces) just confused me.

Thanks again!

Gruntfuggly commented 5 years ago

I'm glad you've got it working. :grin:

In the first paragraph it says "so this extension simply adds a command Copy Global Config to copy them into the local .vscode folder from a shared location."

Some steps might be useful though...

kalpaj12 commented 5 years ago

Thanks for the help!

It does say that, but since I'm new to vs code, I thought the functionality that was begin provided was copy. For me, it wasn't clear enough, until you specifically mentioned, I had to run the copy command :blush:

kalpaj12 commented 5 years ago

Close issue?

Gruntfuggly commented 5 years ago

I'll leave it open until I update the in case I forget. :grin:

kalpaj12 commented 5 years ago

Oh, cool! Thanks alot though!(For the extension and for the help)

kalpaj12 commented 5 years ago

Hi again, Is there a provision to copy folders present inside .vscode? Right now, this extension ignores them.

Gruntfuggly commented 5 years ago

Yes, I deliberately ignored folders as it didn't seem necessary. I can add it fairly easily (I think). Out of interest, what is your use case for folders?

kalpaj12 commented 5 years ago

I am into competitive coding, I have few files that belong to a specific folder and I'd prefer having them in those folders. So, for now, I need to manually copy them to my workspace folder;-;

kalpaj12 commented 5 years ago

I was just wondering whether the implementation of providing copy function for sub-folders inside .vscode was an option.

P.s. sent a pull request to modify the readme. Please have a look Thanks though! :)

Gruntfuggly commented 5 years ago

I've uploaded a new version which will copy folders too. I've updated the README based on your changes, but I couldn't accept it as it was because it removed the details about symlinks.

kalpaj12 commented 5 years ago


andrewufrank commented 5 years ago

I would appreciate a more prominent

How to Use Install "global config" issue ctrl-P, type "copy" and select "copy Global Config"

I would be helpful an example how the "global-config.links" should look in the settings.

Otherwise - thank you for a valuable tool!