Gruntfuggly / todo-tree

Use ripgrep to find TODO tags and display the results in a tree view
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Multiline TAGS not showing correctly in the tree #654

Open l0ner opened 2 years ago

l0ner commented 2 years ago


I have this quite complicated regex for capturing multiline comments with tags in them:

(?:[ \t]*(//+|#|;|')[ \t]*($TAGS).*\r?\n(?:\s*\1[ \t]*.*(?:\r?\n)?)*|\/\*[ \t]*($TAGS)(?:.*?(?:\r?\n.*?)*\*\/)|<!--[ \t]*($TAGS)(?:.*(?:\r?\n.*?)*?-->))

It does work quite well, captures both C /* */ and XML <!-- --> multiline comments and comments that span over multiple lines.

Given the example:

// TODO: this is a long todo
// another line
// and yet another line

do not capture this

# TODO: C style comment
# another line

do not capture this

; TODO: This is a comment in the
; basic

do not capture this

' TODO: this is another type of
' a comment

do not capture this

/* TODO: C-style multilne
 * comment

do not capture this

<!-- TODO: xml style
  multilne comment

do not capture this

    <!-- TODO: xml style
         multilne comment

do not capture this

    // TODO: Needs to be at any depth
    // continuation

do not capture this

    /* TODO: Let's try
     * this also

do not capture this

// this shoud
// not be captured
# in any
# way

// WARN: this is another
// thing that should be captured

The problem is that what is captured is not being shown correctly in the tree:


What i see here i pretty wrong

  1. The text on the first line of the comment is not shown
  2. The following lines are being shown as sub-items, instead of being concatenated

I've tried plyaing with the Sub Tag Regex to strip newlines and comment characters from what is being matched, but I cannot get it working.

Gruntfuggly commented 1 year ago

Unfortunately there was an update to ripgrep which I was unaware of which stops one of the options working how it used to, which now prevents the extension from parsing the results correctly, I will try and find an alternative, but for now, multiline comments may well be slightly broken as you have found.

Gruntfuggly commented 1 year ago

You could try installing ripgrep version 12 manually and pointing the extension at the executable as a workaround.

l0ner commented 1 year ago

Let's concentrate on single-line comments with repeated lines.

I have installed ripgrep version 12.1.1

Given the example above, and the following configuration:

    "todo-tree.regex.regex": "[ \\t]*(/{2}+|#|;|')[ \\t]*($TAGS).*\\r?\\n(?:[ \\t]*\\1[ \\t]*.*\\r?\\n)*",
    "todo-tree.ripgrep.ripgrep": "/usr/bin/rg",
    "todo-tree.ripgrep.ripgrepArgs": "--max-columns=1000 --no-config --multiline --pcre2",
    "todo-tree.regex.enableMultiLine": true,
    "todo-tree.general.debug": true,
    "todo-tree.general.tags": [

I get nothing in the tree:

This is the output of the todo-tree:

13:53:20.126 Searching /home/pawel/todo-tags-exploration...
13:53:20.126 Writing pattern file:/home/pawel/.vscode-server/data/User/workspaceStorage/8eb22b1336743e8960987c83bee3510a/Gruntfuggly.todo-tree/rx8l3637n.txt
13:53:20.127 Pattern:[ \t]*(/{2}+|#|;|')[ \t]*(WARN|TODO|HACK|FIXME|BUG).*\r?\n(?:[ \t]*\1[ \t]*.*\r?\n)*
13:53:20.127 Command: /usr/bin/rg --no-messages --vimgrep -H --column --line-number --color never --max-columns=1000 --no-config --multiline --pcre2 -i  -U  -f "/home/pawel/.vscode-server/data/User/workspaceStorage/8eb22b1336743e8960987c83bee3510a/Gruntfuggly.todo-tree/rx8l3637n.txt" -g "!**/vendor/**" -g "!**/node_modules/**" -g "!**/dist/**" -g "!**/bower_components/**" -g "!**/build/**" -g "!**/.vscode/**" -g "!**/.github/**" -g "!**/.git**" -g "!**/_output/**" -g "!**/*.min.*" -g "!**/*.map" "/home/pawel/todo-tags-exploration"
13:53:20.174 Search results:
/home/pawel/todo-tags-exploration/todos.txt:1:1:// TODO: this is a long todo
/home/pawel/todo-tags-exploration/todos.txt:2:1:// another line
/home/pawel/todo-tags-exploration/todos.txt:3:1:// and yet another line
/home/pawel/todo-tags-exploration/todos.txt:7:1:# TODO: C style comment
/home/pawel/todo-tags-exploration/todos.txt:8:1:# another line
/home/pawel/todo-tags-exploration/todos.txt:12:1:; TODO: This is a comment in the
/home/pawel/todo-tags-exploration/todos.txt:13:1:; basic
/home/pawel/todo-tags-exploration/todos.txt:17:1:' TODO: this is another type of
/home/pawel/todo-tags-exploration/todos.txt:18:1:' a comment
/home/pawel/todo-tags-exploration/todos.txt:41:1:    // TODO: Needs to be at any depth
/home/pawel/todo-tags-exploration/todos.txt:42:1:    // continuation
/home/pawel/todo-tags-exploration/todos.txt:57:1:// WARN: this is another
/home/pawel/todo-tags-exploration/todos.txt:58:1:// thing that should be captured

Comments get correctly found, but not parsed by todo-tree?

If I disable my custom regex i start getting results in the tree, bot obviously only the first lines