Gruntfuggly / todo-tree

Use ripgrep to find TODO tags and display the results in a tree view
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Several folders in a workspace - only showing todos of one #677

Closed Peter-Ries closed 1 year ago

Peter-Ries commented 1 year ago

Hi Gruntfuggly,

very useful extension - thanks for this...

I have a weird behaviour or may be it's not implemented yet and works as deigned ;)

E.g.: I have 3 git repositories on disk in folders home/projects/aaa/... home/projects/bbb/... home/projects/ccc/...

and put them into a workspace (let's call it "abc") to load related stuff at one time when switching between different development works. home/projects/abc.workspace

when I load this workspace only one (bbb) is being parsed/loaded. I can't see why b is being chosen. It's not the first or last in sort order. Neither in disk nor in workspace file. But jus one of the three folders is being parsed and displayed in todo-tree sidebar

The setting for rootFolder is default "empty". Even tried in settings.json "todo-tree.general.rootFolder": "${workspaceFolder}" - same behaviour.

How can I maketodo-tree consider all physical folders of the workspace file?

Thanks for a hint or a feature update.

BR Peter

Peter-Ries commented 1 year ago

Stupid me... Just found out that keywords are case sensitive...

todo != TODO

Just modified the settings file.

Peter-Ries commented 1 year ago

TODO-Tree tags are case sensitive.

I needed either to use uppercase TODO or add "todo" in lowercase