Gruppe14 / KIT-PSE-Docs

The documentation repository for the KIT Software Engineering Practice project #10: Visualizing and statistically analyzing acess behavior to scientific databeses.
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Latex Beamer for Research-Phase #5

Closed joklawitter closed 12 years ago

joklawitter commented 12 years ago

I'll create one now. Also I will add some information for you, how to work with Latex and Eclipse.

After that I want you to check the präsentation, make comments, add it or tell me what to change.

joklawitter commented 12 years ago

As we decided to work with Eclipse, I think we should also with Eclipse for our LaTeX documents. Therefore you will need to install the plugin TeXlipse: An installation guide is given at this side too.

To work with LaTeX you also have to install Miktex: This will automatically install packages you need or are allready included .

After you've done that, you may import the project of the repository... same way as a Java-project. In the project you just have to work on the researchphase.tex file.

To show the PDF during the work do not use adobe reader! You have to close it, before each saving and it doesn't support forward reading (or something like that). So therefore also download SumatraPDF: Normally it should support forward reading automatically. If not, ask google or me =)