Grzego / handwriting-generation

Implementation of handwriting generation with use of recurrent neural networks in tensorflow. Based on Alex Graves paper (
MIT License
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bavariate_normal #16

Closed khouryrami closed 4 years ago

khouryrami commented 4 years ago
def bivariate_normal(X, Y, sigmax=1.0, sigmay=1.0,
                     mux=0.0, muy=0.0, sigmaxy=0.0):
    Bivariate Gaussian distribution for equal shape *X*, *Y*.
    See `bivariate normal
    at mathworld.
    Xmu = X-mux
    Ymu = Y-muy

    rho = sigmaxy/(sigmax*sigmay)
    z = Xmu**2/sigmax**2 + Ymu**2/sigmay**2 - 2*rho*Xmu*Ymu/(sigmax*sigmay)
    denom = 2*np.pi*sigmax*sigmay*np.sqrt(1-rho**2)
    return np.exp(-z/(2*(1-rho**2))) / denom

this function is depricated, just included it in the generate file and should do the work for you.