GsDevKit / GsDevKit_home

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Sending `#cr` to a String instantiation stream does not put the `#cr` Character #335

Open Rinzwind opened 1 month ago

Rinzwind commented 1 month ago

Sending #cr to a String instantiation stream given by #streamContents: unexpectedly puts an #lf rather than #cr Character as demonstrated by the example in the Dockerfile given below:

$ image=$(docker build -q .) && docker run $image
topaz 1> printit
    (String streamContents: [ :stream | stream nextPut: Character cr; cr ])
        asArray collect: [ :character | character codePoint ]
a Array
  #1 13
  #2 10
topaz 1> printit
    { Character cr. Character lf }
        collect: [ :character | character codePoint ]
a Array
  #1 13
  #2 10

I’m mostly adding this issue for reference; the behavior of #cr on Stream putting an #lf Character does seem to be intentional as some subclasses, such as AppendStream and WriteStreamPortable, have an override for #cr that puts a #cr Character instead. A question though is whether such an override shouldn’t also apply to the streams that #streamContents: uses.


FROM ubuntu:20.04
COPY <<"EOF" /home/gsuser/example
        (String streamContents: [ :stream | stream nextPut: Character cr; cr ])
            asArray collect: [ :character | character codePoint ]
        { Character cr. Character lf }
            collect: [ :character | character codePoint ]
COPY <<"EOF" /home/gsuser/runExample
    cd ~/GsDevKit_home &&
    . bin/defHOME_PATH.env &&
    startStone devKit_363 &&
    sed $'s/^\t//' <~/example | \
        startTopaz devKit_363 -l
COPY <<"EOF" /home/gsuser/installGS
    git -C ~ clone --depth 1 &&
    cd ~/GsDevKit_home &&
    . bin/defHOME_PATH.env &&
    installServerClient &&
    createStone devKit_363 3.6.3 &&
    createClient tode1
COPY <<"EOF" /root/setup
    apt-get update &&
    DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get --assume-yes install \
        sudo tzdata lsb-release git &&
    apt-get clean &&
    useradd gsuser &&
    chown --recursive gsuser ~gsuser &&
    echo 'gsuser ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL' >/etc/sudoers.d/gsuser
RUN bash /root/setup
RUN sudo --user gsuser bash /home/gsuser/installGS
CMD sudo --user gsuser bash /home/gsuser/runExample
dalehenrich commented 1 month ago
  1. @Rinzwind, I assume that you are aware of the fact that GsDevKit_home is not really a viable project to use on the current Ubuntu and MacOs releases ?
  2. You don't mention which OS you are using
  3. You don't mention which version of GemStone you are using

Yes that does indeed look like a base GemStone bug ... I'll submit an internal bug report...

dalehenrich commented 1 month ago

Before I submit a bug report, I would like to know more details about your platform and GemStone version.

Rinzwind commented 1 month ago

We use GemStone/S v3.4.5 on AlmaLinux 9.1 through 9.4, but the example output I gave was produced using the included ‘Dockerfile’, so using v3.6.3 on Ubuntu 20.04.

I’m not sure what you mean about it not being viable, is it just that only older versions are supported?

dalehenrich commented 1 month ago

I’m not sure what you mean about it not being viable, is it just that only older versions are supported?

GsDevkit_home depends upon a 32 bit pharo vm and 20.04 might be the last ubuntu version that GsDevKit_home runs properly ... GsDevKit_stones is the intended replacement, but I haven't had enough "free" time to completely finish the work (i.e., provide the full set of functionality available in GsDevKit_home).

With that said, GsDevKit_stones provides about 75% of the GsDevKit_home functionality, with the noticeable exception that it lacks the upgradeImage script and a replacement for the tODE GUI ...

The upgradeImage script is planned, but requires a partial rewrite of the support library and scripts ...

Rowan 3 is intended to be the replacement for the tODE GUI, but it is not ready (this is where I've been spending my time).

If you have questions or comments, I suggest you ask questions on the GLASS mailing list or the GemStone Smalltalk ... there are a number of folks on those lists (including myself) who have started using GsDevKit_stones and there is at least one person who has updated his version of GsDevKit_home to eliminate the use of the 32 bit Pharo vm and you can find his mail in the archives.