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tODE Server installation not working #14

Open mcmarc opened 10 years ago

mcmarc commented 10 years ago


I've tried to install tODE on our server, but I always get an the folowing error-message:

a UserDefinedError occurred (error 2318), reason:halt, Name not found: Base

any idea whats going wrong, or what I'm missing?

We are running on gemstone 3.2.0, when I connect from tODE-Client to the server everything seam to be ok -> except the last message line: TODE not installed"...

if you need further informations, please let me know!

thank you Marc

Here is the stack-trace:

UserDefinedError (AbstractException) >> _signalWith: @5 line 25 UserDefinedError (AbstractException) >> signal @2 line 47 MetacelloMCVersionSpec (Object) >> error: @6 line 7 [] in ExecBlock0 (MetacelloVersionSpec) >> resolveToLoadableSpec:forLoad:forMap:packages: @3 line 7 [] in ExecBlock0 (MetacelloVersionSpec) >> packageNamed:forLoad:forMap:ifAbsent: @26 line 22 Dictionary >> at:ifAbsent: @7 line 10 MetacelloMCVersionSpec (MetacelloVersionSpec) >> packageNamed:forLoad:forMap:ifAbsent: @2 line 4 MetacelloMCVersionSpec (MetacelloVersionSpec) >> resolveToLoadableSpec:forLoad:forMap:packages: @2 line 4 [] in ExecBlock1 (MetacelloVersionSpec) >> resolveToLoadableSpecs:forLoad:map: @2 line 12 [] in ExecBlock1 (Set) >> do: @2 line 11 [] in ExecBlock2 (KeyValueDictionary) >> keysDo: @2 line 7 KeyValueDictionary >> keysAndValuesDo: @18 line 15 KeyValueDictionary >> keysDo: @2 line 6 Set >> do: @3 line 11 MetacelloMCVersionSpec (MetacelloVersionSpec) >> resolveToLoadableSpecs:forLoad:map: @13 line 10 MetacelloMCVersionSpecLoader >> resolveToLoadableSpecs @3 line 2 MetacelloMCVersionSpecLoader >> load @4 line 4 MetacelloMCVersion >> executeLoadFromArray: @9 line 7 [] in ExecBlock1 (MetacelloMCVersion) >> fetchRequiredFromArray: @2 line 11 [] in ExecBlock0 (MetacelloPlatform) >> useStackCacheDuring:defaultDictionary: @2 line 9 ExecBlock0 (ExecBlock) >> on:do: @3 line 42 MetacelloGemStonePlatform (MetacelloPlatform) >> useStackCacheDuring:defaultDictionary: @9 line 10 [] in ExecBlock0 (MetacelloMCVersion) >> fetchRequiredFromArray: @6 line 11 ExecBlock0 (ExecBlock) >> ensure: @2 line 12 [] in ExecBlock0 (MetacelloMCVersion) >> fetchRequiredFromArray: @2 line 12 MetacelloGemStonePlatform (MetacelloPlatform) >> do:displaying: @2 line 3 MetacelloMCVersion >> fetchRequiredFromArray: @17 line 7 [] in ExecBlock1 (MetacelloMCProjectSpec) >> loadVersion: @26 line 38 [] in ExecBlock0 (MetacelloPlatform) >> useStackCacheDuring:defaultDictionary: @2 line 9 ExecBlock0 (ExecBlock) >> on:do: @3 line 42 MetacelloGemStonePlatform (MetacelloPlatform) >> useStackCacheDuring:defaultDictionary: @9 line 10 MetacelloMCBaselineOfProjectSpec (MetacelloMCProjectSpec) >> loadVersion: @21 line 24 MetacelloProjectSpecForLoad >> performLoad @26 line 18 MetacelloMCBaselineOfProjectSpec (MetacelloGenericProjectSpec) >> load @6 line 4 MetacelloProjectReferenceSpec >> loadUsing:gofer: @5 line 6 [] in ExecBlock1 (MetacelloCommonMCSpecLoader) >> linearLoadPackageSpecs:repositories: @2 line 6 OrderedCollection (Collection) >> do: @5 line 10 MetacelloFetchingMCSpecLoader (MetacelloCommonMCSpecLoader) >> linearLoadPackageSpecs:repositories: @5 line 6 [] in ExecBlock0 (MetacelloFetchingMCSpecLoader) >> linearLoadPackageSpecs:repositories: @2 line 4 ExecBlock0 (ExecBlock) >> ensure: @2 line 12 MetacelloLoaderPolicy >> pushLoadDirective:during: @6 line 7 MetacelloLoaderPolicy >> pushLinearLoadDirectivesDuring:for: @3 line 3 MetacelloFetchingMCSpecLoader >> linearLoadPackageSpecs:repositories: @3 line 4 MetacelloFetchingMCSpecLoader (MetacelloCommonMCSpecLoader) >> load @15 line 7 MetacelloMCVersionSpecLoader >> load @13 line 16 MetacelloMCVersion >> executeLoadFromArray: @9 line 7 [] in ExecBlock1 (MetacelloMCVersion) >> fetchRequiredFromArray: @2 line 11 [] in ExecBlock0 (MetacelloPlatform) >> useStackCacheDuring:defaultDictionary: @2 line 9 ExecBlock0 (ExecBlock) >> on:do: @3 line 42 MetacelloGemStonePlatform (MetacelloPlatform) >> useStackCacheDuring:defaultDictionary: @9 line 10 [] in ExecBlock0 (MetacelloMCVersion) >> fetchRequiredFromArray: @6 line 11 ExecBlock0 (ExecBlock) >> ensure: @2 line 12 [] in ExecBlock0 (MetacelloMCVersion) >> fetchRequiredFromArray: @2 line 12 MetacelloGemStonePlatform (MetacelloPlatform) >> do:displaying: @2 line 3 MetacelloMCVersion >> fetchRequiredFromArray: @17 line 7 [] in ExecBlock0 (MetacelloMCVersion) >> doLoadRequiredFromArray: @3 line 10 ExecBlock0 (ExecBlock) >> ensure: @2 line 12 MetacelloMCVersion >> doLoadRequiredFromArray: @22 line 16 String >> loadRequiredForMetacelloMCVersion: @3 line 3 MetacelloMCVersion >> load: @2 line 3 [] in ExecBlock0 (MetacelloScriptEngine) >> load:onProjectDownGrade:onProjectUpgrade: @10 line 16 ExecBlock0 (ExecBlock) >> on:do: @3 line 42 [] in ExecBlock0 (MetacelloScriptEngine) >> handleNotificationsForAction: @6 line 4 ExecBlock0 (ExecBlock) >> on:do: @3 line 42 MetacelloScriptEngine >> handleNotificationsForAction: @4 line 10 [] in ExecBlock0 (MetacelloScriptEngine) >> load:onProjectDownGrade:onProjectUpgrade: @2 line 5 ExecBlock0 (ExecBlock) >> ensure: @2 line 12 MetacelloProjectRegistration class >> copyRegistryRestoreOnErrorWhile: @8 line 14 MetacelloScriptEngine >> load:onProjectDownGrade:onProjectUpgrade: @2 line 3 MetacelloScriptEngine >> load: @2 line 3 [] in ExecBlock1 (MetacelloScriptExecutor) >> execute: @11 line 12 [] in ExecBlock1 (MetacelloScriptApiExecutor) >> executeString:do: @5 line 4 Array (Collection) >> do: @5 line 10 MetacelloScriptApiExecutor >> executeString:do: @5 line 4 String >> execute:against: @2 line 2 MetacelloScriptApiExecutor (MetacelloScriptExecutor) >> execute: @6 line 6 Metacello >> execute @6 line 5 Metacello >> load: @3 line 3 [] in Executed Code @10 line 11 [] in ExecBlock0 (GsDeployer) >> deploy: @8 line 8 ExecBlock0 (ExecBlock) >> on:do: @3 line 42 [] in ExecBlock0 (GsDeployer) >> deploy: @2 line 9 [] in ExecBlock0 (MCPlatformSupport class) >> commitOnAlmostOutOfMemoryDuring: @3 line 7 ExecBlock0 (ExecBlock) >> ensure: @2 line 12 MCPlatformSupport class >> commitOnAlmostOutOfMemoryDuring: @6 line 8 [] in ExecBlock0 (GsDeployer) >> mcPlatformSupportDo: @2 line 10 ExecBlock0 (ExecBlock) >> ensure: @2 line 12 GsDeployer >> mcPlatformSupportDo: @10 line 10 GsDeployer >> deploy: @2 line 3 GsDeployer class >> bulkMigrate: @4 line 14 Executed Code @2 line 1 UndefinedObject (GsNMethod class) >> _gsReturnToC @1 line 1

dalehenrich commented 10 years ago

@mcmarc I think I need a little bit more information ...

What platform are you running on and which script are you using to get the walk back? Unfortunately the arguments are not in the stack trace, so I can't tell too much from the stack itself ... Do you have a log file or transcript with some output so that I can get oriented?


dalehenrich commented 10 years ago

Mariano has reported a similar issue and I think the common thread is that an attempt is being made to load tODE into an existing stone ...

so I am curious what the "Admin >> doit...>> version report" from GemTools reports ... I am suspicious that you are quite up-to-date with the Metacello Preview and are hitting a "know" Metacello bug ...

dalehenrich commented 10 years ago

This is the expression to use to install the Metacello Preview into GLASS when you may have already loaded GLASS1 before upgrading to 1.0-beta.9.3:

"Load the Preview version of Metacello from GitHub"

  | previewLoaded |
  previewLoaded := false.
    at: #'BaselineOfMetacello'
    ifPresent: [ :ignored | 
        at: #'MetacelloProjectRegistration'
        ifPresent: [ :cls | 
          (cls registrationForClassNamed: 'BaselineOfMetacello' ifAbsent: [  ])
            ifNotNil: [ :registration | previewLoaded := registration loadedInImage ] ] ].
    ifTrue: [ 
      (Smalltalk at: #'Metacello') new
        configuration: 'MetacelloPreview';
        version: #'stable';
        repository: 'github://dalehenrich/metacello-work:configuration';
        get ]
    ifFalse: [ 
      "Bootstrap Metacello Preview, using mcz files (#'previewBootstrap' symbolic version"
      Gofer new
        gemsource: 'metacello';
        package: 'ConfigurationOfMetacello';
        deploy: [ 
          ((Smalltalk at: #'ConfigurationOfMetacello') project
            version: #'previewBootstrap') load ] ].
    deploy: [ 
      "load the Metacello Preview"
      (Smalltalk at: #'Metacello') new
        configuration: 'MetacelloPreview';
        version: #'stable';
        repository: 'github://dalehenrich/metacello-work:configuration';
        load ]
mcmarc commented 10 years ago

Hi Dale,

here is the output of the version report:

  1. ConfigurationOfFileTree 1.0.1 #'release'
  2. ConfigurationOfGLASS 1.0-beta.9.1 #'release'
  3. ConfigurationOfGofer #'release'
  4. ConfigurationOfGoferProjectLoader 1.0-alpha2.2 #'development'
  5. ConfigurationOfGrease 1.1.8 #'release'
  6. ConfigurationOfGsCore 0.248 #'release'
  7. ConfigurationOfGsFastCGI 0.235 #'release'
  8. ConfigurationOfGsMisc 0.243 #'release'
  9. ConfigurationOfGsMonticello 0.244.2 #'release'
  10. ConfigurationOfGsOB 0.242.1 #'release'
  11. ConfigurationOfGsPharo 0.9.2 #'development'
  12. ConfigurationOfGsSqueakCommon 0.9.4 #'release'
  13. ConfigurationOfMetacello 1.0-beta.32 #'development'
  14. ConfigurationOfSwazoo2 #'release'
  15. ConfigurationOfZincHTTPComponents 2.5.0 #'release'
marianopeck commented 10 years ago

Dale, here is mine. Note that it says I have 1.0-beta.9.2 but that is not true. I guess this is the result of the none-100%-accurate #currentVersion. In fact, I have updated to 9.3 and the transcript shows 9.3 was installed.

1. ConfigurationOfBootstrap 0.4.0   #'release'
2. ConfigurationOfFileTree  1.0.1   #'development'
3. ConfigurationOfGLASS 1.0-beta.9.2    #'release'
4. ConfigurationOfGofer #'release'
5. ConfigurationOfGoferProjectLoader    1.0-alpha2.2    #'development'
6. ConfigurationOfGrease    1.0.8   #'development'
7. ConfigurationOfGsCore    0.248   #'release'
8. ConfigurationOfGsFastCGI 0.235   #'release'
9. ConfigurationOfGsMisc    0.243   #'release'
10. ConfigurationOfGsMonticello 0.244.2 #'release'
11. ConfigurationOfGsOB 0.242.1 #'release'
12. ConfigurationOfGsPharo  0.9.2   #'development'
13. ConfigurationOfGsSqueakCommon   0.9.4   #'release'
14. ConfigurationOfHighchartsSt 1.0 #'development'
15. ConfigurationOfIAM  1.3 #'release'
16. ConfigurationOfMagritte3    3.0.1   #'stable'
17. ConfigurationOfMetacello    1.0-beta.32.1   #'development'
18. ConfigurationOfMockGemStone 1.0 #'release'
19. ConfigurationOfMyApp    0.1 #'development'
20. ConfigurationOfSeaside3 #'release'
21. ConfigurationOfSwazoo2 #'development'
22. ConfigurationOfXMLSupport   1.2.2   #'development'
23. ConfigurationOfXMLWriter    1.0.5   #'release'
24. ConfigurationOfZincHTTPComponents   2.4-baseline    #'release'

And yeah, I am getting same error.

dalehenrich commented 10 years ago

Could you guys share the exact load expression you are using and whether or not you are running the ocmmand in topaz or Gemtools or the tODE client menu?



On Wed, Sep 3, 2014 at 6:48 AM, marianopeck wrote:

Dale, here is mine. Note that it says I have 1.0-beta.9.2 but that is not true. I guess this is the result of the none-100%-accurate #currentVersion. In fact, I have updated to 9.3 and the transcript shows 9.3 was installed.

  1. ConfigurationOfBootstrap 0.4.0 #'release'
  2. ConfigurationOfFileTree 1.0.1 #'development'
  3. ConfigurationOfGLASS 1.0-beta.9.2 #'release'
  4. ConfigurationOfGofer #'release'
  5. ConfigurationOfGoferProjectLoader 1.0-alpha2.2 #'development'
  6. ConfigurationOfGrease 1.0.8 #'development'
  7. ConfigurationOfGsCore 0.248 #'release'
  8. ConfigurationOfGsFastCGI 0.235 #'release'
  9. ConfigurationOfGsMisc 0.243 #'release'
  10. ConfigurationOfGsMonticello 0.244.2 #'release'
  11. ConfigurationOfGsOB 0.242.1 #'release'
  12. ConfigurationOfGsPharo 0.9.2 #'development'
  13. ConfigurationOfGsSqueakCommon 0.9.4 #'release'
  14. ConfigurationOfHighchartsSt 1.0 #'development'
  15. ConfigurationOfIAM 1.3 #'release'
  16. ConfigurationOfMagritte3 3.0.1 #'stable'
  17. ConfigurationOfMetacello 1.0-beta.32.1 #'development'
  18. ConfigurationOfMockGemStone 1.0 #'release'
  19. ConfigurationOfMyApp 0.1 #'development'
  20. ConfigurationOfSeaside3 #'release'
  21. ConfigurationOfSwazoo2 #'development'
  22. ConfigurationOfXMLSupport 1.2.2 #'development'
  23. ConfigurationOfXMLWriter 1.0.5 #'release'
  24. ConfigurationOfZincHTTPComponents 2.4-baseline #'release'

And yeah, I am getting same error.

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub .

dalehenrich commented 10 years ago


It looks like neither of you have upgraded to the Metacello Preview and there are definitely some Metacello issues that get in the way of installing tODE. The workspace I published earlier should bring Metacello up to date enough to successfully load tODE ...

dalehenrich commented 10 years ago

@marianopeck @mcmarc I am interested in trying to resolve this issue and I've got a couple of different approaches that I can try ... I have another idea of what might be going wrong, but it is obvious to me that trying to do remote debugging is a pretty inefficient process ... the best thing would be for me to get my hands on your extent and debug the issue first-hand, so I'm curious if that is a possibility or not...

In the mean time I intend to try to build an image that tries to duplicate your environment and see if I can reproduce the problem locally ...

dalehenrich commented 10 years ago

@marianopeck @mcmarc the last week or so I have been looking into Metacello/GLASS/Grease loading issues where the probelm boiled down to finding a way to get Metacello bugfixes installed BEFORE hitting the bug that they are meant to address ... I have finished creating the GsUpgrader class to help solve the upgrade problems.

I have assumed that the problems you were having in loading tODE were related to Metacello bugs and I would appreciate it if you guys would take a little bit of time to try out one of the upgrade scripts. Specifically I would like to try out the Metacello upgrade script and let me know if the script itself runs cleanly ... If the Metacello upgrade runs cleanly, then I would appreciate it if you tried to load tODE again ...

dalehenrich commented 10 years ago

@marianopeck @mcmarc another request ... could you run a metacelloReport before running the upgrade script ...