ZnGsPersistentStorageRestServerDelegateTest>>testUpdate is failing with a SpSocketError occurred (error 2710), Unexpected and unknown socket error occured. error. Test passes in 3.6.0 so this is a peculiarity of 3.6.1.
SpSocketError: Unexpected and unknown socket error occured.
1. SpSocketError(AbstractException)>>_signalWith: @5 line 25
2. SpSocketError(AbstractException)>>signal: @3 line 7
3. SpSocketError class(AbstractException class)>>signal: @3 line 4
4. SpSocketError class(SpAbstractError class)>>raiseSignal: @2 line 2
5. SocketStreamSocket(SpSocket)>>readInto:startingAt:for: @7 line 12
6. SocketStreamSocket>>receiveDataSignallingTimeout:into:startingAt: @6 line 10
7. SocketStream>>receiveData @6 line 15
8. SocketStream>>next @7 line 9
9. ZnLineReader>>processNext @5 line 4
10. ZnLineReader>>nextLine @3 line 3
11. ZnStatusLine>>readFrom: @3 line 3
12. ZnStatusLine class>>readFrom: @3 line 3
13. ZnResponse>>readHeaderFrom: @2 line 2
14. ZnResponse(ZnMessage)>>readFrom: @2 line 2
15. ZnResponse class(ZnMessage class)>>readFrom: @3 line 3
16. ZnClient>>executeRequestResponse @18 line 12
17. [] in ZnClient>>getConnectionAndExecute @28 line 10
18. ExecBlock0(ExecBlock)>>ensure: @2 line 12
19. ZnClient>>getConnectionAndExecute @14 line 11
20. ZnClient>>executeWithRedirectsRemaining: @2 line 2
21. [] in ZnClient>>executeWithRetriesRemaining: @12 line 2
22. ExecBlock0(ExecBlock)>>on:do: @3 line 44
23. ZnClient>>executeWithRetriesRemaining: @7 line 3
24. [] in ZnClient>>executeWithTimeout @12 line 3
25. ExecBlock0(ExecBlock)>>on:do: @3 line 44
26. [] in ZnClient>>executeWithTimeout @7 line 4
27. [] in UndefinedObject(ZnClient)>>withTimeoutDo: @11 line 6
28. [] in ZnConnectionTimeout class(DynamicVariable class)>>value:during: @15 line 9
29. ExecBlock0(ExecBlock)>>ensure: @2 line 12
30. ZnConnectionTimeout class(DynamicVariable class)>>value:during: @6 line 10
31. ZnClient>>withTimeoutDo: @5 line 5
32. ZnClient>>executeWithTimeout @2 line 2
33. [] in ZnClient>>execute @10 line 9
34. [] in UndefinedObject(ZnClient)>>withProgressDo: @11 line 6
35. [] in ZnSignalProgress class(DynamicVariable class)>>value:during: @15 line 9
36. ExecBlock0(ExecBlock)>>ensure: @2 line 12
37. ZnSignalProgress class(DynamicVariable class)>>value:during: @6 line 10
38. ZnClient>>withProgressDo: @5 line 5
39. ZnClient>>execute @5 line 8
40. ZnClient>>get @3 line 6
41. ZnGsPersistentStorageRestServerDelegateTest(ZnAbstractExampleStorageRestServerDelegateTest)>>testQuery @24 line 22
42. ZnGsPersistentStorageRestServerDelegateTest(Object)>>perform: @1 line 8
43. ZnGsPersistentStorageRestServerDelegateTest(TestCase)>>performTest @3 line 2
44. [] in ZnGsPersistentStorageRestServerDelegateTest(TestCase)>>runCase @13 line 5
45. ExecBlock0(ExecBlock)>>ensure: @2 line 12
46. ZnGsPersistentStorageRestServerDelegateTest(TestCase)>>runCase @4 line 6
47. [] in ZnGsPersistentStorageRestServerDelegateTest(TestCase)>>debug @8 line 2
48. ExecBlock0(ExecBlock)>>ensure: @2 line 12
49. ZnGsPersistentStorageRestServerDelegateTest(TestCase)>>debug @2 line 3
50. TDTestBrowser>>debugTestMenuAction:selectionIndex: @6 line 6
51. TDTestBrowser(Object)>>perform:withArguments: @1 line 12
52. TDTestBrowser(TDAbstractToolBuilder)>>menuAction:actionSymbol:listElement:selectedIndex: @4 line 5
53. TDTestBrowser(TDStandardToolBuilder)>>menuAction:actionSymbol:listElement:selectedIndex: @3 line 4
54. [] in TDTestBrowser(TDAbstractToolBuilder)>>menuActionBlock @5 line 5
55. TDMiniToolSpec>>menuAction:actionSymbol:listElement:selectedIndex: @4 line 4
56. [] in TDMiniToolClientListElementBuilder>>menuActionBlock @6 line 7
57. ExecBlock>>valueWithArguments: @1 line 7
58. ExecBlock>>value:value:value: @2 line 11
59. GsNMethod class>>_gsReturnToC @1 line 11
is failing witha SpSocketError occurred (error 2710), Unexpected and unknown socket error occured.
error. Test passes in 3.6.0 so this is a peculiarity of 3.6.1.