Gtaray / DeckedOut

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Feature requests: Individual card backs and record linking #8

Open paulyhedral opened 10 months ago

paulyhedral commented 10 months ago


First thing: love this extension! I am using it for my Cypher System games, which have a lot of cards, so this is fantastic. Thanks!

One of the Cypher decks I have, the Creature Deck, has unique backings for each of the cards. The front side of the card is the creature stats, the back is an illustration of the creature. So, I have two requests. (I debated opening a separate issue for the second, but it's related to the first, so I'm grouping them together.)

  1. It would be great to be able to override the default back for individual cards, so I can "flip" the card over to show the illustration. (It would be nice to optionally mark the back side as hidden from the player, but I suppose that may be stretching it a bit.)
  2. For the creature deck, the card has stats, so it would be nice to be able to link the card to an arbitrary record in the module/campaign, so that, at least in this case, an NPC record could be opened by clicking on the card (or a button somewhere in the card window).

Thanks again for a great mod!

Cheers, Paul

Gtaray commented 10 months ago

Thanks for the suggestions! I've had both of these ideas rolling around in my head for a while, so I'll see what I can come up with. Adding a record link to cards is straighforward enough. Adding a custom back to cards will require a bit more work but I think is also doable.