GuFFy12 / Discord-Token-Checker

🔥Fastest Parallel Request Double-Check Discord Token Checker🔥 Parse discord tokens from any file and directory.
MIT License
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Backend Fix Log #7

Open GuFFy12 opened 2 years ago

GuFFy12 commented 2 years ago

Fixed PayloadTooLargeError: request entity too large. Now limit is 2000 tokens.

GuFFy12 commented 2 years ago

Now when you respond to a 404 error code (tokens not found or too many), you don't get the rate limit. In order not to abuse getting errors, slow-down module is added.

GuFFy12 commented 2 years ago

Ready-made backend functions: checker, info, idTracker, webhookSpammer, accountDisabler, nitroPurchaser (need test). Todo: serverNuke (need fix problem when account disables after use), userNuke (account disables in half request func).

GuFFy12 commented 2 years ago

Webhook spammer is currently properly working. You can test it: POST {"action": "webhookSpammer", "data": {"webhooks": "", "amount": "", "delete": "", "name": "", "avatar": "", "message": ""} } ps yes, code supports multiply webhooks. but data.amount * parsedWebhooks.length !> 100

GuFFy12 commented 2 years ago

Account disabler is good too. Disable (unverified) any token. POST {"action": "webhookSpammer", "data": "TOKENS"}

GuFFy12 commented 2 years ago

Info func is returns the same as the checker, but the data is append: subscriptions, guilds, relationships, connections.

GuFFy12 commented 2 years ago

Slow-down on failed request was deleted. Now failed request also been rate-limited. (If request dont finished, you can spam request, so its been deleted).

GuFFy12 commented 2 years ago

Improve tokens parser on backend. Now tokens validate using jsonwebtoken lib.

GuFFy12 commented 2 years ago

Server temporary unavailable due rewrite some critical issues.

GuFFy12 commented 2 years ago

Backend fixed!

GuFFy12 commented 2 years ago

Maybe today I will make the token verification limit up to 10000 tokens. The timeout will be calculated using the formula y=x*2/10 (x - number of tokens, y - delay in milliseconds).

master7720 commented 2 years ago

good job GuFFy12

GuFFy12 commented 2 years ago

After backend fix it working incorrectly. I push new update soon as possible.

GuFFy12 commented 2 years ago

The request library I use (axios) can hang when there is no response from the server (discord). I found a couple of solutions, but due to the inability to reproduce this error, I cannot test the fixes. I urgently need to rewrite the getRequest function.

Current errors and their handling

1) error.response === undefined or === "error code: 1015": Called when discord blocks us or there is a problem with the request. Need to change the proxy and add it to rateData for rechecking.

2) error.response.status === 429: Discord callback, needs to wait. Need to add it to rateData for rechecking and add to the wait function.

3) JSON.stringify("<") Called when a cloudflare window appears instead of a response. The worst mistake is to manually process the information for rateData.

4) req time > 5 seconds. Need to cancel the request and add it to rateData.

GuFFy12 commented 2 years ago

All issues in getRequest function fixed. There are no problems that I know, the backend, like the frontend, like the telegram bot, have been improved and polished.

GuFFy12 commented 2 years ago

Added webSocket and postRequest functions. The spammer and other features related to new types of requests are being tested.

GuFFy12 commented 2 years ago

And I forgot to remind you that now I have added proxies! Accuracy is not affected, 429 and invalid proxy requests are checked again. Also, now the request execution time has become dynamic, get the request timeout:

GuFFy12 commented 1 year ago

New api! Now written on typescript and uses websocket!!! Try optimise parallel request. Rewrite getRequest method.

GuFFy12 commented 1 year ago

Using speed probably increased ~1.5 times!!!

GuFFy12 commented 1 year ago

Снимок экрана 2022-08-18 в 16 13 30 NO WAY

GuFFy12 commented 1 year ago

4 TIMES!!!

GuFFy12 commented 1 year ago


GuFFy12 commented 1 year ago

List of current errors, after which I will launch a new version of the checker: 1) Add dotenv - Done 2) Fix error handler in api - Done 3) Test some stuff - Done 4) Cleanup & beauti code - Done 5) Depth recursive to getRequest - Done 6) Add own proxy connection timed out - Done 7) === "error code: 1015". Unknown error code. - Done 8) Add redis backed queue with multi concurrency. - Done 9) Add new tokensCheckerConfig - Done 10) Better request error handler - Done 11) Add interfaces for me and paymentSources - Done 12) Add version endpoint - Done 13) Write documentation to api - 0% 14) Small fixes and improvements - Done 15) Add log4j support - Done

Tomorrow I will full test new api and write documentation of it. Soon I will write react frontend!

GuFFy12 commented 1 year ago

Due to the fact that I do not have time to meet the deadlines, I will have to release a new version of the api with a slightly rewritten old frontend. Only the tokensData parsing method will be added to tokensInfo since this is no longer done on the server to optimize traffic. I will try to slowly make a version on react.