GuHuangAI / DiffusionEdge

Code for AAAI 2024 paper: "DiffusionEdge: Diffusion Probabilistic Model for Crisp Edge Detection"
Apache License 2.0
188 stars 18 forks source link

QR code of WeChat discussion #17

Open GuHuangAI opened 3 months ago

GuHuangAI commented 3 months ago

We build a WeChat discussion for flexible discussion of edge detection. If you are interested, please use the WeChat APP to scan the QR code for joining us. The QR code will be updated here every week.

SnailForce commented 3 months ago


GuHuangAI commented 3 months ago

@SnailForce Updated.

GuHuangAI commented 2 months ago


CloudVans7 commented 2 months ago


GuHuangAI commented 2 months ago

@CloudVans7 We have updated it.

Qingzhang1994 commented 1 month ago


GuHuangAI commented 1 month ago

@Qingzhang1994 Have updated.

Sillyyk commented 1 day ago

could u update again? thanks

GuHuangAI commented 19 hours ago

@Sillyyk Have updated