GuabinaCore / WoWKoi

WoWKoi Legion 7.3.5 PTE
9 stars 15 forks source link

Silverpine Forest #3919

Closed ventarius5 closed 1 year ago

ventarius5 commented 1 year ago

Silverpine Forest:

1 Steel Thunder -

- Admiral Hatchet doesnt have an option to spawn lost Orc Sea Pup

2 Rise, Forsaken -

- If Agatha dies, she will duplicate herself.

3 No Escape -

- Enemy monsters are interrupting sequence of the "Run" script. The valkyrie is attacking the monsters instead of forced pathing.

4 Lordaeron -

- If you skip the cut scene and dismount, it will still teleport the player to the Sepulcher at the end of the script.

5 Hair of the Dog -

- If the player is fighting Hillsbrad Worgen (45255), nearby corpse of Orc Sea Dog (4519) will trigger and disappear.

6 The Waters Run Red... -

- There seems to be 7 sec invisible cooldown on Rocket Blast -
- Cosmetic: Worgens are walking across the water instead of swimming

7 Vengeance for Our Soldiers -

- 7th Legion Submariner are missing around the questing area -
Cefiro-Caecias commented 1 year ago

1.- Fixed. The Admiral Hatchet will allow you to recruit a new Orc Sea Pup, if the one you owned disappears during the quest.

2.- Fixed. Agatha will never die.

3.- Fixed. Added security measures.

4.- Fixed. Added security measures.

5.- Fixed. Added security measures.

6.- Spell Rocket Blast (84575), Core area. Worgens: in effect, we calibrated for the Worgen to walk on water instead of walking, since otherwise it would cause unsolvable glitches due to texture issues.

7.- In progress, I haven't gotten to that quest yet.