Guad / GTACoop

An online co-op modification for GTA5
GNU General Public License v3.0
81 stars 71 forks source link

SHDotNet.log Error #61

Closed ThatIsMiyu closed 8 years ago

ThatIsMiyu commented 8 years ago

I Installed Co-Op Mod With ScriptHook And ScriptHookVDotNet I'm Using Win 10, My Windows Has Visual Studio C++ 2013 Installed When I Play MY Game Sounds Like Hurt, And *IYKWIM, and some messages shows up in my screen, and says

System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at Class1.onKeyUp(Object sender, KeyEventArgs e) at GTA.Script.raise_KeyUp(Object value0, KeyEventArgs value1) at GTA.Script.MainLoop()

Guad commented 8 years ago

Post the whole log

ThatIsMiyu commented 8 years ago

scripthookvdotnet-2016-06-09.log .txt

Guad commented 8 years ago

You haven't placed any coop files in the scripts folder. That error is unrelated

ThatIsMiyu commented 8 years ago

I have placed it

Guad commented 8 years ago

It's not on the log. Try removing everything from the scripts folder but the coop mod

ThatIsMiyu commented 8 years ago

ow i placed it at root folder