Guanghan / GNet-pose

Source code release of the paper: Knowledge-Guided Deep Fractal Neural Networks for Human Pose Estimation.
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The loss cannot converge #6

Open vuonglequoc opened 6 years ago

vuonglequoc commented 6 years ago

Hi @Guanghan , Thanks for your great project. Can you show to me your loss curve of your final model? Below is my result when training GNet-pose with base_lr: 0.0001, batch_size: 4, after 3 days, trained 76 epochs. 313 It still cannot converge. If you trained with other parameter in prototxt file, please tell me. I'm waiting for your feedback.

strawberryfg commented 5 years ago

Hi @lelordoftech I was wondering what's your PCKh on train & val of MPII? I have tried 2-stage Hourglass (original Hourglass) with pretrained caffemodel weights provided by the author, and achieved only around 80%PCKh on val. I started with learning rate 2.5e-5 w/ RMSProp. The loss cannot converge when I started from 2.5e-4 w/ or w/o pretrained weights, which I found sort of weird. My batch size is 3 on a single GPU. Thanks!