Guanghan / ROLO

ROLO is short for Recurrent YOLO, aimed at simultaneous object detection and tracking
Apache License 2.0
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The predicted location seems to be very different from the groundtruth... #30

Open hnyz979 opened 6 years ago

hnyz979 commented 6 years ago

Hi, Dr. Ning I am now trying your first step, namely, simply reproducing the results with the pre-trained model with the "" code. I have downloaded "model_demo.ckpt" and ran the codes. The codes seems to be working, but I am a little confused about the results: (The following are the results of the first and second iteration, and I uncommented the codes to print out "batch_ys" and "pred_location", which seems to be the ground truth and the predicted location. However, the results are as follows:) ('Batch_ys: ', array([[ 0.51145833, 0.64296875, 0.19791667, 0.5078125 ]])) ('ROLO Pred: ', array([[-0.07923603, -0.10261807, 0.09152682, 0.03067834]], dtype=float32)) ('len(pred) = ', 1) ('ROLO Pred in pixel: ', -38.033294677734375, -65.675563812255859, 43.932874202728271, 19.634140729904175) ('correct_prediction int: ', array([[0, 0, 0, 0]])) Iter 0, Minibatch Loss= 28.594887

('Batch_ys: ', array([[ 0.51354167, 0.64296875, 0.19791667, 0.5078125 ]])) ('ROLO Pred: ', array([[-0.07972586, -0.10288554, 0.09197099, 0.03046498]], dtype=float32)) ('len(pred) = ', 1) ('ROLO Pred in pixel: ', -38.268413543701172, -65.846743583679199, 44.146074056625366, 19.497586488723755) ('correct_prediction int: ', array([[0, 0, 0, 0]])) Iter 1, Minibatch Loss= 28.683752

It seems that, the Batch_ys(groundtruth) are very different from the ROLO Pred(ROLO predictions). Could you kindly tell me where did I do wrong? Thank you very much! @Guanghan

lihaixiang commented 6 years ago

@hnyz979 我也遇到和你同样的问题 实际上,在经过一段时间的尝试后,我无法重复论文中所描述的预测结果,无论是实验1还是实验2。我已经转向其他work

hnyz979 commented 6 years ago

@lihaixiang 你试过YOLO没?那个能跑起来吗?

lihaixiang commented 6 years ago

@hnyz979 可以

hnyz979 commented 6 years ago

@lihaixiang cool~~我准备下一个试试。刚刚进入追踪这个领域,感觉找到个能跑起来的不容易啊。

wanjinchang commented 6 years ago
