Guardsquare / proguard

ProGuard, Java optimizer and obfuscator
GNU General Public License v2.0
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proguard lastest version7.6 retrace problem #452

Open caoqianghui opened 2 days ago

caoqianghui commented 2 days ago

when stack trace has "on a null object reference" letter a will retrace from mapping file

tvoc-gs commented 1 day ago

Hello @caoqianghui,

Thank you for getting in touch with us.

Can you provide the following:

  1. Example stack trace for your project.
  2. Corresponding mapping file for your project.
  3. What the example stack trace retraces to on your end when you try to retrace locally.

If giving an example stack trace and mapping file for your project is not possible, can you instead create a minimal reproducing sample project that demonstrates the problem when that project is obfuscated with ProGuard? When providing the sample project, please also provide the example stack trace, corresponding mapping file and what the example stack trace retraces to on your end.