GuateGeeks / GeeksDayFlutter

GeeksDay Flutter Application
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Rediseño creacion de nuevo quiz #65

Closed adawolfs closed 2 years ago

adawolfs commented 2 years ago

Jhonproyec commented 2 years ago

I worked on the redesign of the quiz creation view. completion time 1 hour and 30 minutes approximately

Jhonproyec commented 2 years ago

I worked on the functionality to create the quiz, completion time 1 hour approximately

Jhonproyec commented 2 years ago

I worked on implementing the logic to create the post, since I am migrating everything to a single file, I added a library for the switch button that resembles the design button, completion time approximately 2 hours

Jhonproyec commented 2 years ago

i am working on moving the logic to a single file to create the quizzes, all the functions will be in the cubit feed file completion time approximately 2 hours

Jhonproyec commented 2 years ago

I worked on the implementation of the quizzes, I had problems getting the answers written in the input, I was reviewing the previous implementation to solve the problem completion time approximately 2 hours

Jhonproyec commented 2 years ago

I worked on the quiz implementation, the buttons to enter the answers are already being generated dynamically, the image is being loaded and it is being handled from a single file, I am having problems when I want to save the information in the database data, since I am not obtaining the information entered in the inputs, completion time 1 hour and 30 minutes

Jhonproyec commented 2 years ago

I worked on the implementation to publish the quiz, completion time approximately 2 hours

Jhonproyec commented 2 years ago

I worked on the implementation of the quiz, I still have a problem with saving the answers in the database since when generating a new entry it saves what the input brings, completion time approximately 3 hours

adawolfs commented 2 years ago
