Guereak / USBDuckyScripts

Cool USB ducky scripts - Not encoded
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Exporting on chrome asks for my PC user password #4

Closed CarlosBermudez closed 2 years ago

CarlosBermudez commented 2 years ago

Hi! Whenever it goes to "Export Passwords" I get a windows prompt to put my computer password and if I do it then it lets me save the file.

Is there any way of disabling that prompt beforehand so I can export it?

This is the prompt (sorry it is in spanish) 073561aa6bbdfc4c2e921b4b110f47a5


Guereak commented 2 years ago

Because of a recent security update, it appears that the file cannot be created if the device you are trying to run this on a device with a password or any form of biometric authentication. (too good to be true otherwise) Therefore this script will now only work on devices that doesn't require a password to login. If the script isn't working either for you on those, you may want to try adding 2 more lines as explained in the README file.