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Email not being sent. #8

Open nthacker69 opened 2 years ago

nthacker69 commented 2 years ago

So it finishes with exit in Powershell but i get no email. I've done things like remove the speech marks but it still doesn't send. Could someone help me with this? Thanks!

Also am I meant to be removing the speech marks?

Guereak commented 2 years ago

Hi there! You are not supposed to be removing the speech marks where there are some (there should be quotes in between the email, which you have not done in your screenshot)

Also, make sure you have the chromepasswords.csv being saved correctly, since this does not work anymore on password-protected devices.

nthacker69 commented 2 years ago

Oh so if the PC has a password it doesn't work? When you say quotes do you mean quotes around the email or in between the email and password? Thanks for your help!

Guereak commented 2 years ago

It might not work if the target machine is password protected, yes. You need quotes in between both the email and the password

nthacker69 commented 2 years ago

Ok, thanks!

nthacker69 commented 2 years ago

It might not work if the target machine is password protected, yes. You need quotes in between both the email and the password

I think I'm doing something wrong but it still doesn't work. One thing I notice was that when the email was typed in powershell it said error in some places with red writing and the @ showed as " for some reason. It also asks me to enter my device password which may be the problem (it types something in but keeps repeating). Is there any way to stop it from having to enter the password. I have less secure apps on.

nthacker69 commented 2 years ago

@Guereak Screenshot (18)_LI