GuiRitter / OpenBase

An omnidirectional mobile platform with a 3 omnidirectional wheels layout
MIT License
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In both kinetic and Melodic, the source didn't work #14

Open LeonJung opened 5 years ago

LeonJung commented 5 years ago

Thanks for sharing great work you've done. I almost gave up do related works as I thought making omniwheel model is kind of hard time consuming.

As I tried to launch as below,

$ roslaunch open_base velocity\ controller.launch

In two version shows like: [Kinetic] git checked out to gazebo7 branch Controller Spawner couldn't find the expected controller_manager ROS interface. (seems like gazebo warning) and open_base/controller_spawner has finished cleanly. [Melodic] No error or warning

[Both] After the model brought up to gazebo space, it shows white color (AFAIK, this occurs when the model might be not appropriately brought up) it seems like uses /open_base/command to control, so when I pubbed as you directed in with few edit in wheel/v_left or generic/target/x or bezier/targetTranslation/x:1.0, didn't work either. When I put rostopic echo on /open_base/right_joint_velocity_controller/command, it always shows 0.0, so I don't know exactly what main node does for, but anyway it publishes.

I used teleop omni (you've tagged), but doesn't work as well. .sh file, also.

Do you have any suggestion? Thanks

GuiRitter commented 4 years ago

Hi there.

You're welcome!

Controller Spawner couldn't find the expected controller_manager ROS interface: might be that you have a missing ROS package, or some issue about something in the URDF that needs to be written differently depending on the ROS distro being used.

About the white color, it's a known issue. It certainly doesn't work in Indigo, it certainly works in Lunar, but I never tested in either Kinetic or Melodic.

About teleop, it was created by YugAjmera and I never tested it, so you might have better luck asking about it there.

The .sh files also certainly doesn't work in Indigo and certainly works in Lunar. I was recently investigating how to make them work in Indigo to test something else.

As for the rest, I'll have to take a further look and make some tests, which might take a while.

GuiRitter commented 4 years ago

I've decided to use an old HD to have several different Ubuntu distros in order to have easy access to several different ROS distros, starting from Indigo towards the newer ones.

Testing this project on Kinetic, I had the same problem that you did. I managed to fix it by installing every package that is listed by apt-cache search ros-kinetic-. Most likely most of them aren't needed, but I lack the time to find out which is which.

Please test it out and, if it works, you can close the issue already.

During this, I had an idea to make some breaking changes to this repository, like having some branches only contain the project for standalone Gazebo and other branches only containing the project for ROS. For the latter, make separate branches if there are significant differences regarding different ROS distros.

I'll look into it in the following days and will push some commits regarding the color and the movement scripts.

GuiRitter commented 4 years ago

I just remembered. It's because I stopped working with ROS that I forgot some pretty basic information. It's even written in the read me!

The file package.xml lists the project's dependencies. Each dependency can be met by running apt-get install ros-<distro>-<dependency-name>, replacing _ by - in the dependency name when needed.