Now that we can read data from remote services, and access HUGE repositories such as MTGJSON and Scryfall, it is now important to offer a way to store them efficiently.
This imply:
Pick a storage engine (most probably mongo, and maybe sqlite ?), and then stick to it/them
Basic collection maintenance tools (CLI) to flush / backup data
Take in consideration model evolution, how should we handle that ? It is ok to ask for a database reset on new release. But this mean that we must store the mightstone version in the storage.
Efficient tools, based on asyncio that can write MANY things all at once
Synchronization support, eg: replace an object with the same unique identifier whenever required
CLI tools for reading /accessing data
Programmatic tools to access the data
Documentation for the poor souls interested in Mightstone features
We need to start adressing indexation in this story
Storage is bound to a model, which is bound to a service.
At the moment Mightstone does not have its own format for data, this will be addressed later
Now that we can read data from remote services, and access HUGE repositories such as MTGJSON and Scryfall, it is now important to offer a way to store them efficiently.
This imply: