GuidaGG / vielfaeltig

Custom theme for Vielfältig built with TailPress
MIT License
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Feedback General Astrid #10

Closed ah-bas-und-aer closed 5 months ago

ah-bas-und-aer commented 5 months ago
GuidaGG commented 5 months ago


We need a styling for headline, bold and as big as the paragraph text (it doesn't seem to be H3)

I dont understand this. Do you define the styling?

On the homepage I needed to add a special styling for the first H1 (because we need to have one for SEO/acessibility purposes). SInce they can add all types of Headings in the backend I think you could define rules for them, even if they all should just look the same.

GuidaGG commented 5 months ago

regarding the footer:

GuidaGG commented 5 months ago

- slidely transparent orange, no shadow

GuidaGG commented 5 months ago

Styling for list with more than one text row

can you give an example?