GuidaGG / vielfaeltig

Custom theme for Vielfältig built with TailPress
MIT License
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Feedback Astrid mobile #11

Closed ah-bas-und-aer closed 4 months ago

ah-bas-und-aer commented 5 months ago
Bildschirmfoto 2024-01-29 um 19 03 18

Bildschirmfoto 2024-01-29 um 19 03 07) sometimes content/page is strangley cropped (see screenshots)

GuidaGG commented 5 months ago

image I think even if we change the menu positiosn and reduce widths this still will not work in mobile. with such long titles SHould we just use the sticky-aligned headers on the homepage?

and on the other pages the headlines just stay on the page aligned to the left?