GuildCrafts / web-development-js

Craft repository for Web Development with JavaScript
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Project Sharing Social Media app #92

Open ai-santos opened 7 years ago

ai-santos commented 7 years ago


_The basic idea of this goal is that users are able to share resources with each other through project sharing. For example, a friend of mine works for the ACLU and they are working on a mobile app where users can send video and detailed information if they see police brutality happening. Organizations like Open Oakland Open Oakland have a project similar to this goal except this project includes authentication and will have a much better UI 👍 Here is a prototype I built.

Justice For Us Project Page

I built this project with a Node, MongoDB, and Express back end. You can conceivably use any stack that includes a database a server and front end framework.


This project will help solidify your knowledge on databases and data relationships. Think bookstore but using projects and creating relationships between users. Piping data bi-directionally from the front to the back and vice versa. You will also get experience using a geolocating API because data will need to be located on a map.


Do not remove these specs - they are required for all goals.

What are some appropriate quality objectives for this goal? These are statements about the internal characteristics of the product that demonstrate fine design and craftspersonship, not its external features.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

jrob8577 commented 7 years ago


  1. The last three specifications feel like a part of the quality rubric, rather than a specification.
  2. "Code is refactored, and is not repeated..." is a misleading requirement - if I write perfect code the first time, do I need to refactor it to meet this requirement? I would probably say instead: * Code is well formatted without any linting errors * Variables, functions, css classes, etc. are meaningfully named (no comments exist in code explain functionality - the names serve that function) * Functions are small and serve a single purpose * Code is well organized into a meaningful file structure
  3. The links are broken for me - I was following them to try to understand what a project is in this context, so I would request that you provide a little more explanation of that in the spec, and update the links.
ai-santos commented 7 years ago

fixed the links and rewrote the goal