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Factory data #49

Open Piskieee opened 3 years ago

Piskieee commented 3 years ago

When a crafter reaches a purple discipline they unlock the ability to use the factory station to clone items. These recipes require different items and more raw materials (matching the source quality quality or better). This is used for say a legendary discipline, legendary belt, crafter with enchantments and food to experiment and make a really good high quality item and any purple discipline user they give it to can then take the item and use a factory to make copies with a set outcome.

The 'clone' process lowers the original items durability, but creates a full durability copy (exact same stats and full durability) flagged under restrictions as "Factory Copy". Note: items tagged as factory copies cannot be then factory copied again. image (Implementation note, for this reason, might consider listing a separate end item specifically noted as factory copy.)

Jewelry example: 'Factory Necklace' Recipe image

Once slotting any valid item (e.g. non-copy) the other slots unlock: image

Specifically to this one it requires 2 'Metal Billet' which are also made in a factory as components. This interface does not clearly specify that the quality affects outcome because it is not a roll chance but a direct 1-to-1 correlation. (Note the specification that quality must match for the Billet). It is semi-inconsistent with other image

Piskieee commented 2 years ago

I have been slowly gathering the data into the spreadsheet, but I think that as the current program structure is this is not something that can be implemented without some very ugly brute forcing. The root problem is that the dust value changes per quality tier of the product so each quality has a different recipe.

Ideally this would be implemented and work with the existing quality selection menu, however the quality selection expects the same recipe with different ingredient tiers and no change in recipe. If you put in multiple recipes only the latest one is taken as it overwrites the previous ones.