GuillaumeGomez / rust-GSL

A GSL (the GNU Scientific Library) binding for Rust
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Build on Windows using `vcpkg` #143

Open CGMossa opened 7 months ago

CGMossa commented 7 months ago

I've finally got this to work on the recommended rust toolchain. Previously discussed here #53 and #75. On Windows, we are recommended to use stable-msvc / nightly-msvc.

You can install that using scoop, or manually here

scoop install vcpkg

Then, you set the following environment variables globally


That's it, this made my test project compile just fine.

Use of these environment variables is described in, and,

You can choose different triplet, see vckpkg help triplet, but x64-windows-static-md is recommended by vcpkg-rs.

Even the blas-example works with this!

vcpkg would also (presumably) make CMake work on Windows.

GuillaumeGomez commented 7 months ago

Nice. Do you want to update the README documentation to mention it? Or update the crate documentation in

CGMossa commented 7 months ago

With your blessing I can do either or both :) I'm also exploring this option a bit more. Right now, I find the scoop lacking. I've made one PR over there to help out (with one line also :( )

GuillaumeGomez commented 7 months ago

Let's go for both then please. :)

CGMossa commented 7 months ago

I've made pijul compile on Windows as well, with these instructions:

set VCPKG_DEFAULT_TRIPLET=x64-windows-static-md
vcpkg install openssl zstd pkgconf
set LIB=C:\dev\vcpkg\installed\x64-windows-static-md\lib
set PKG_CONFIG_PATH=C:\dev\vcpkg\installed\x64-windows-static-md\lib\pkgconfig

Apparently, if pkgconfig is used then the last thing has to be set. These instructions are very much scattered. I'm almost sure that I got the system figured out. It cannot be done with using RUSTCWRAPPER="vcpkg env" if you're wondering.