Closed RubD closed 6 years ago
What's the command you used?
This is the command I used:
ChIA-PET2 --genome $bwa_genome_index --bedtoolsgenome $bedtools_genome --linkerA CGCGATATCTATCTG --linkerB ACGCGATATCTTATC --output $output_dir --name shLUC_subtest --mode 1 --err 1 --keepempty 2 --thread 10 --forward $forward_read --reverse $reverse_read
Initially I got an error at the buildBedpe stage about a problem with the names in the .sam files. So I first ran samtools sort -n file_1_R.sam > file_1_R.nsorted.sam
for all .sam files.
Then I ran the buildBedpe command buildBedpe file_1_R.nsorted.sam file_2_R.nsorted.sam 30 10 1
or the ChIA-PET2 command starting from point 3 with both of them ending with the same error.
Nevermind, I figured it out eventually by creating my own pipeline. It turns out there was a naming problem in the fastq files and now your pipeline runs perfect. Thanks.
The pipeline always throws an error at the 'buildBedpe' step:
terminate called after throwing an instance of ‘std::bad_alloc’ what(): std::bad_alloc Aborted (core dumped)
I'm not sure why this is. I tried 3 different servers and all of them should have enough available memory.
Thanks, Ruben