GuitarML / PedalNetRT

Deep Learning Networks for Real Time Guitar Effect Emulation using WaveNet with PyTorch
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Refactoring #11

Closed mishushakov closed 3 years ago

mishushakov commented 4 years ago





mishushakov commented 4 years ago

dear Keith, see there is now a green mark on pull requests, saying "All checks have passed" that's the GitHub Action checking that the committer has formatted the code properly (black)

makes me feel i'm a good boy 🐶

mishushakov commented 4 years ago

@GuitarML hey and thanks for taking your time

i think there is some sort of cognitive dissonance going on pedalnet is solving a different problem than we are


mishushakov commented 4 years ago

also, could you explain to me what this construct is supposed to do?

this was not in pedalnet

i removed that and don't see any difference

GuitarML commented 4 years ago

Oh right, I see what you mean on the blank directories, the readme’s can stay, I just didn’t understand the purpose at first. Good catch on the try/except, I think that can be removed. It was a work around but I later figured out it was related to using an older version of PyTorch lightning, the model hparams weren’t loading properly when using predict or convert. If you can run all the scripts properly without that exception, feel free to remove it. (Make sure that’s not the error your getting on running the convert script).

mishushakov commented 4 years ago

in this commit:

mishushakov commented 4 years ago

and one thing i'd like to know is why you would want to be able to change hparams when resuming training?

GuitarML commented 4 years ago

Good question, mainly for extending the max_epochs, so if it doesn’t get to a good loss then you can train longer and see if it improves.

mishushakov commented 4 years ago

alright, so far soo good!

changes in this commit


mishushakov commented 4 years ago

i've run some tests with Collab on GPU

pedalnet_diff_spectrogram pedalnet_detail_signal_comparison_e2s_0 0154 pedalnet_signal_comparison_e2s_0 0154


how good do you think is it?

GuitarML commented 4 years ago

Oops I didn’t mean to click ready for review, when you are ready for me to review code let me know, I’m fairly new to collaborating on GitHub. The Colab training looks good, I think the same thing is happening as it did with me for TPUs, where the loss doesn’t go down as far as training locally. It’s still good, but for the default data I got it to go down to .0091 or so for 1500 epochs. Unsure why that is, but might be worth it for the speed and accessibility of using Colab. Thanks!

mishushakov commented 4 years ago

For some unknown reason .wav produced by does not make any sound

mishushakov commented 4 years ago

i have synced changes

mishushakov commented 4 years ago

Hey Keith, i had some time to work on the project again!

i changed the file structure to a much simpler one now each model has a directory and all the files are saved there instead of different directories this is particularly useful with Docker so instead of binding each directory we'll only need two - one for input data and one for the artefacts

here's how it looks like

Screenshot 2020-11-29 at 14 47 45

looks a little lazy, but does the job the structure is also way easier to navigate if you have many models

in i've added --format argument to specify export formats it has no use currently, but it will once we add more formats

also i noticed that i cannot load your ts9 model, because it fails to unpickle i don't think its very critical as all the models i've trained so far load successfully

mishushakov commented 4 years ago i'm going to train some and let you know if we're ready to go

GuitarML commented 4 years ago

Sounds good! I'm a fan of the reorganization, nice work.

mishushakov commented 4 years ago

Thanks for the feedback!

here's the colab i'm using

here the results

diff_spectrogram signal_comparison_e2s_0 0142 detail_signal_comparison_e2s_0 0142

mishushakov commented 4 years ago

still i don't know what's wrong with it gives no error but i cannot hear any sound

ivanpondal commented 3 years ago

Hey guys! See you're having trouble with predict, the bug is due to how the wav file is currently being saved:

It's using 16bit instead of 32bit. Changing that fixed it for me, hope it helps you out!

mishushakov commented 3 years ago

@ivanpondal good catch, thanks

mishushakov commented 3 years ago

in this update

will look into #16 thanks

GuitarML commented 3 years ago

@ivanpondal and @mishushakov, thanks for the catches and fixes! Keep up the good work! This pull will be a big update and I'm looking forward to implementing it.

mishushakov commented 3 years ago

Prepare function now included with like in GuitarLSTM you can train models with python in.wav out.wav can still be run manually (for people watching your videos)

mishushakov commented 3 years ago

i changed how models are loaded (again)

now instead of specifying name you should specify full path data.pickle will be resolved automatically depending on the directory


python --model=models/pedalnet/pedalnet.ckpt

this is also to make it compatible with current documentation

mishushakov commented 3 years ago

one thing i noticed though is it started to show this num_channels error again not sure why it's back, but i'll reinstall of pytorch in colab to see if it changes something

mishushakov commented 3 years ago

so when i run, model gets Namespace but when i run everything else, model gets a dict

now i need to use my brain muscle to figure out why it does this

Screenshot 2020-12-13 at 15 07 26
mishushakov commented 3 years ago

oh look

mishushakov commented 3 years ago

ok this one is fixed, will make sure original pedalnet does not suffer too what a day!

GuitarML commented 3 years ago

This is a big one! A quick look over it looks good, I think your changes simplify things for the better, and I can tell you put a lot of thought into it. Thanks so much! I’m going run through a training session just to make sure I understand all the changes, then merge it in as soon as I can.

GuitarML commented 3 years ago

@mishushakov I think all the code is there, but when I follow the Readme instructions it overwrites the models/pedalnet/data.pickle file instead of putting it in the proper path. I think I understand what you're going for, is it required to give a --model argument to properly save the data.pickle? If so, let's add that to the Readme. I am using the 'refactor' branch.

mishushakov commented 3 years ago

right now i'm placing data.pickle into the model's directory, because each model depends on it the default model name is "pedalnet" (lives under models/pedalnet), unless you specify otherwise with --model

do you think it would be good idea to embed the contents of data.pickle into the model.ckpt itself?

mishushakov commented 3 years ago

data.pickle dependencies

Screenshot 2021-02-06 at 17 32 52
GuitarML commented 3 years ago

I think I see my confusion now, I cut the training short, so it didn't get to trainer.save_checkpoint(args.model) and create the model in the models folder. So when I supplied the .ckpt in the lightning_logs it couldn't find the data.pickle. After letting it finish training I could run the steps as stated in the Readme. Maybe just make an extra note under the "Train" section that the --model flag should be in the form "models/model_name/model_name.ckpt". Does that make sense?

Edit: I’ll go ahead and make the merge, then add that clarification line since it’s such a small change. Good work!

mishushakov commented 3 years ago

yeah, i supposed of that for testing i just set max_epochs to 0

i can check/update documentation tomorrow thanks for the feedback so far!

mishushakov commented 3 years ago

i see you've updated the comment ps. make sure when resolving conflict you accept my changes

mishushakov commented 3 years ago

Nice merge, congrats!
