Closed GoogleCodeExporter closed 8 years ago
Marco Robustini suggested that this might be down to having old firmware on my
GPS unit. Martin from Build Your Own Drones says that it is highly unlikely
that I have a unit from old stock due to his turnover of kit.
RickP suggested that having some trim might override the entry conditions for
loiter "If you look at the code, it updates the loiter waypoint whilst in
'loiter_override' which has clear entry and exit conditions. Exit condition is
that pitch/roll (ie. cyclic) is centered. If the radio input for those two
isn't exactly centred, it looks like it may not exist that mode." I did have
some trim on my Tx, but had sticks centred, and it was inconsistent in that it
failed 6 times but took twice. I replied:
"Rick, if that is the case, then there is a problem. Jason made a change to the
code, as per this comment, " If you fly, you must bring it to a stop to regain
loiter. I will also put a 2 second timeout on it too in case you're in wind."
i.e. in wind, he is expecting that we hold it static and thus will have sticks
not centred. That is a change that I had been requesting for some time, as
otherwise the copter pitches to horizontal and is blown back and loiter has to
try to regain position - better to start static and have loiter keep position.
It is possible that there is a confusion in the code here i.e. that this
condition is only if you are already in loiter and fly around. I would expect
and want it to be the start condition of loiter. As it happens, on the
occasions in the flight posted to the issue, when it was being blown back, my
sticks were centred. If even a bit of trim can mess it up (and inconsistently),
then the problem is worse in that achieving loiter becomes fundamentally
unreliable e.g. on Auto missions.
I have not had any formal feedback from the dev team on the issue, but what I
would like to see in terms of functionality is clear:
That loiter when invoked, takes the start attitude of the copter as the start
point, to prevent pitch back and blow back in wind (the assumption being that
both manual control and Auto will achieve a static position before invoking
Happy that there are entry conditions to regaining loiter after a fly around
and Jason's conditions sound sensible to me. It should be clear to all whether
loiter will try to maintain that position or regain the original target - my
preference would be for the latter as if you want a new loiter position, why
not get it static, flick to Alt Hold and then back to Loiter to register the
new position."
Original comment by
on 12 Feb 2012 at 7:56
After more flights today, I think that it is something to do with having trim
set. The first time I tried, it failed to take. I landed, took the trim out,
recalibrated my R/C and then auto levelled the copter. It was fine after that.
I still think that this is a problem - having trim is sometimes necessary and
should not prevent functionality from working. These entry conditions also seem
to conflict with Jason's anti-pitch change conditions for regaining loiter
after flying around in loiter, and I am very much in favour of having a static
attitude (i.e. not necessarily having sticks centred) as the start point of a
Original comment by
on 14 Feb 2012 at 2:26
I looked at the logs. Your Roll and Yaw Radio trims were being used. You
tricked the AP into thinking you were trying to correct the position manually.
Please use the in-air auto-leveling feature to trim your copter.
Radio trims are bad because they mask problems that need to be fixed in the
frame. Copters are fundamentally different from Airplanes in that you loose a
lot of flight control resolution when you use trims.
For instance, you quad is trying hard to Yaw. That means the motors are not
calibrated or they are crooked on the frame. This should be fixed by adjusting
the motors. Roll issues should be fixed by adjusting weight, etc.
Original comment by jasonshort
on 14 Feb 2012 at 5:06
Original issue reported on by
on 11 Feb 2012 at 6:22Attachments: