Guizz27 / Marlin---Longer-LKx-Pro

Marlin 2.0/2.1 for Longer LKx Pro. Should also work with Alfawise U30 Pro
GNU General Public License v3.0
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DGUS file update for Marlin #7

Closed boromyr closed 1 year ago

boromyr commented 2 years ago

Hi, I adapted your modification to dgus reloaded to work with the latest version of Marlin. It should work fine for all pages, the only problem is the print pause which I think doesn't work well, plus the offset z during printing, but that's not Marlin's problem .

Guizz27 commented 2 years ago

Thank you very much! I have integrated Marlin on my local copy but I haven't had time to test it and refresh the github repository. I will compare what you did with my version. I may catch issues on my version before I test it.

boromyr commented 2 years ago

It's provable there are some bugs that I haven't found, I merged with WinMerge trying to keep your additional functions and updated the *_F serial macros that were giving compile errors, so it's an alpha version. Also, Marlin added some fixes to dgus_reloaded that I didn't have time to add. I fixed some syntax errors for Junction Deviation and Linear Advance.

Off Topic: In the screen firmware there is the source file in Photoshop that I opened with Krita and I saw that there are many layers on the main background, I wanted to ask you if you used a script or a multiple export function. I would simply like to change the background, but I don't want to export all the pages individually.

Guizz27 commented 2 years ago

I have an action in Photoshop called "saveall" that will activate layers and save for each screen. Before running it, only the background layers should be visible. I recorded that action once by exporting each screen one by one.

boromyr commented 2 years ago

Could you share it? I've never used Photoshop, but I think I understand it's a script or macro. I'd appreciate it.

Guizz27 commented 2 years ago

Here is the file in a zip

boromyr commented 2 years ago

Thank you very much

boromyr commented 2 years ago

@Guizz27 I saw that you updated the reposity files, did you make any corrections or changes? In that case I will update my files as well.

Guizz27 commented 2 years ago

It's the Marlin integration including some of your changes. There is more than the lcd code to integrate for pause and powerloss recovery for example. My repository is still a few commits behind Marlin. I will do another integration soon. There are no new features or fixes. I'm working on a tool to help for the screens. Once I have this tool, I will add more features.

boromyr commented 2 years ago

Ok thanks, so for now I continue to use my files until your next updates.

Sawurai80 commented 2 years ago

buonasera, ho compilato marlin per la mia lk4 pro no bltouch e mi sono accorto che la regolazione dello Z-off durante la stampa da due problemi: se si regola con le frecce si verifica lo spostamento di z ma non viene incrementato il suo valore sullo schermo, se invece si vuole inserire il valore attraverso il pannello di input, quest'ultimo si apre ma in maniera incompleta...potresti gentilmente aiutarmi a risolvere il problema?

boromyr commented 2 years ago

Just today I opened the screen firmware for the z offset problem when printing, but it seems to be correct, in the simulation the numpad opens and closes correctly.

Sawurai80 commented 2 years ago

potresti gentilmente linkarmi il file firmware dello schermo? te ne sarei veramente grato. il mio problema è questo: image

Sawurai80 commented 2 years ago

potrebbe dipendere dalla compilazione errata di marlin?

boromyr commented 2 years ago

No Marlin has nothing to do with it, the screen has its MCU and its memory, the graphics are managed internally. The screen source is here, but you need DGUS 7.3 to open it.

Sawurai80 commented 2 years ago

cosa conviene che io faccia? grazie ancora per la tua disponibilità

Sawurai80 commented 2 years ago

risolto il problema della schermata incompleta ... ho riformattato la SD e flahato il DWIN SET dentro la cartella release... ma rimane il problema che qualsiasi valore inserisco su adjustament z-offset il valore sulla schermata rimane sempre 0.

Guizz27 commented 2 years ago

This control sets the Z-offset. If modified while printing it will adjust it using baby stepping. Since you don't have a BLTouch, the value displayed is always 0. Also, anything you enter is ignored.

In a future release I could make baby stepping available to non-BLTouch users.

boromyr commented 2 years ago

Did you solve the problem by simply reloading the firmware again?

Sawurai80 commented 2 years ago

ciao ragazzi ... ho formattato lentamente la SD in FAT32 e 4096 byte, poi ho inserito la cartella DWIN da release e infine ricaricato il firmware sul display. così la schermata di input numpad si è aperta correttamente.

boromyr commented 2 years ago

Great thanks then I'll try too!

Sawurai80 commented 2 years ago

Questo controllo imposta l'offset Z. Se modificato durante la stampa, lo regolerà usando il baby stepping. Dal momento che non hai un BLTouch, il valore visualizzato è sempre 0. Inoltre, tutto ciò che inserisci viene ignorato.

> In una versione futura potrei rendere disponibile il baby stepping agli utenti non BLTouch.

il babystepping per gli utenti non BLTouch sarebbe veramente una grande cosa!!!! potresti gentilmente lavorarci su?? grazie in anticipo.

boromyr commented 2 years ago

On thingvierse there is an adapter to mount endstop Z instead of bltouch and emulate it, you could try this alternative. Theoretically, you can enable bltouch in marlin by leaving endstop Z where it is, you will be able to homing and babysteps, but you will not be able to use ABL.

Guizz27 commented 2 years ago

il babystepping per gli utenti non BLTouch sarebbe veramente una grande cosa!!!! potresti gentilmente lavorarci su?? grazie in anticipo.

I will work on it but I'm busy and won't be able to work on it for a little while.

Sawurai80 commented 2 years ago

On thingvierse there is an adapter to mount endstop Z instead of bltouch and emulate it, you could try this alternative. Theoretically, you can enable bltouch in marlin by leaving endstop Z where it is, you will be able to homing and babysteps, but you will not be able to use ABL.

gentilmente potresti indicarmi qual'è l'adattatore e come procedere per fare questo? grazie mille

boromyr commented 2 years ago

I don't know why I didn't save it, you should do a keyword search, like: "bltouch endstop z replace". The main image I think was an Ender 3 extruder with this white support. The instructions on how to proceed I believe are in the description.

Sawurai80 commented 2 years ago

DEE3FAF3-0A8A-43A5-B7C9-C080738A4F23 È per caso questo?

boromyr commented 2 years ago

Exactly, with this you can probe the bed, and you can also use the screen firmware for bltouch

Sawurai80 commented 2 years ago

grazie mille di tutto! vi aggiornerò sui risultati

jgbrown54 commented 2 years ago

When compliing Marlin for an LK5 without BLTouch, I get an error saying DGUS requires a bed probe. Is there a version for manual leveling?

Guizz27 commented 2 years ago

Sorry, after integrating the compilation without BLtouch was broken. I just committed a fix. The change is in the file src/inc/SanityCheck.h. I tested that it compiles correctly, I didn't test if the code works on the printer since the code is the same as the one I did a while ago to support non-BLtouch printers.

jgbrown54 commented 2 years ago

Does it work both with and without BLTouch? What will happen if they select Auto on the Leveling screen?

Guizz27 commented 2 years ago

Yes it works for both. Without a BLtouch, when you select Leveling in the settings menu it goes directly to the 5-point manual leveling screen. The user will not see options for auto leveling and Z-offset.

Here is the piece of code that handles that:


// Skip Leveling menu if no automatic leveling if (screen == DGUS_Screen::LEVELING_MENU) { if (dgus_screen_handler.GetCurrentScreen() == DGUS_Screen::SETTINGS_MENU) { screen = DGUS_Screen::LEVELING_MANUAL; } else { screen = DGUS_Screen::SETTINGS_MENU; } }


Without a BLTouch, the Print Adjust screen still has a Z-offset option at the bottom you would normally use to adjust during the first layer, this option is there but does nothing for non-bltouch. In a future version, I will make sure it works.