Gultask / Research-Wotlk

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[TBC] The Arcatraz #10

Open Gultask opened 1 year ago

Gultask commented 1 year ago

Warder Corpse spawns 2 Protean Spawn when attacked/killed RP event with Dalliah and Soccothrates

RP event for Warden Mellichar

Pull Dalliah first: Soccothrates: Have you come to kill Dalliah? Can I watch?

Zereketh the Unbound

Unbound Void Zone on random players Void Zones despawn after a while

On Aggro: Life energy to... consume. On Shadow Nova: Darkness... consumes all. OR The shadow... will engulf you. On Death: The void... beckons.

Dalliah the Doomsayer

Rooted while whirlwind Casts own Heal, also is healed by Gift of the Doomsayer Casts Heal after Whirlwind ends. Casts Gift of the Doomsayer on tank

On Aggro: It is unwise to anger me! On Whirlwind: Reap the whirlwind! OR I'll cut you to pieces! On Heal: That is much better. OR Ahh... just what I needed. On Death: Now I'm really angry.

Wrath-Scryer Soccothrates

Emotes and pauses before the charge Felfire Charge does not necessarily target players hit by Felfire

On Aggro: At last, a target for my frustrations! On Felfire: Defend yourself, for all the good it will do... OR On guard! On Death: Knew this was... the only way out.

Warden Mellichar

There's a time limit that he'll open cells even before players can defeat the current creatures. Manastorm Ice Blocks if targeted for a period of time Bosses are the ones that trigger the next wave. And they're invincible (at 1 HP) until the next event starts (Near Death or after Xs)


Gultask commented 1 year ago

Text (Type) (Emote) (SoundID): Text

Warden Mellichar:

MoveFlags: DisableGravity, Root Flags: 64, 512, 32768 Channels ID - 36852 Channel at Entry: 21440

01:29:03.575 Cancel Aura Flags: 64, 256, 512, 32768

01:29:05.199 FaceDirection: 1.605702877044677734 Cast Self ID - 36849 Seal Sphere Text (14) (0) (11222): I knew the prince would be angry, but I... I have not been myself. I had to let them out! The great one speaks to me, you see. Wait--outsiders. Kael'thas did not send you! Good... I'll just tell the prince you released the prisoners!

01:29:27.852 Text (14) (5) (11223): The naaru kept some of the most dangerous beings in existence here in these cells. Let me introduce you to another....

01:29:31.099 Emote ID: 5 (OneShotExclamation)

01:29:34.338 Cast ID - 36854 Channel at Entry: 21436 FaceDirection: 1.605702877044677734 (from cast)

01:29:36.342 Cast Ended

01:29:37.610 - Stasis Pod Alpha State: 0

01:29:40.810 FaceDirection: 4.747295379638671875

01:29:45.673 Cast ID - 36852 Channel at Entry: 21440

01:29:46.512 Spawn First Mini-Boss

01:30:19.330 Cancel Channel FaceDirection: 1.675516128540039062 Text (14) (1) (11224): Yes, yes... another! Your will is mine!

01:30:24.593 Cast ID - 36856 Channel at Entry: 21437 FaceDirection: 1.675516128540039062

01:30:27.818 Text (14) (0) (11225): Behold, yet another terrifying creature of incomprehensible power! Stasis Pod Beta State: 0

01:30:32.695 Cast ID - 36852 Channel FaceDirection: 4.747295379638671875

01:30:39.211 Summon Millhouse Manastorm

01:30:50.912 Cancel Channel

01:30:52.130 FaceDirection: 2.478367567062377929 Text (14) (5) (11226): What is this? A lowly gnome? I will do better, oh great one.

01:30:56.994 Cast ID - 36857 Channel at Entry: 21438 FaceDirection: 2.478367567062377929

01:31:00.227 FaceDirection: 4.747295379638671875 Cast ID - 36852 Channel Stasis Pod Delta State: 0

01:31:10.808 Summon Mini-Boss

01:31:53.374 Cancel Channel FaceDirection: 6.056292533874511718 Text (14) (5) (11227): Anarchy! Bedlam! Oh, you are so wise! Yes, I see it now, of course!

01:31:58.633 Cast ID - 36858 Channel at Entry: 21439 FaceDirection: 6.056292533874511718

01:32:01.878 FaceDirection: 4.747295379638671875 Stasis Pod Gamma State: 0

01:32:06.748 Cast ID - 36852 Channel

01:32:14.065 Spawn Mini-Boss

01:33:01.487 Cancel Channel Text (14) (11) (11228): One final cell remains. Yes, O great one, right away! Stasis Pod Omega State: 0

01:33:12.054 Spawn Skyriss

01:33:36.332 Text (14) (5) (11229): Welcome, O great one. I am your humble servant.

01:33:42.417 Health: 0 Flags: 33088

Gultask commented 1 year ago

Millhouse Manastorm

01:30:39.211 Spawn Cast ID - 12980 Simple Teleport

01:30:41.194 Text (14) (6) (11171): Where in Bonzo's Brass Buttons am I? And who are-- yaaghh, that's one mother of a headache!

01:30:46.053 Emote ID: 5 (OneShotExclamation)

01:31:00.238 FaceDirection Entry: 20904 Text (14) (5) (11172): "Lowly"? I don't care who you are, friend: no one refers to the mighty Millhouse Manastorm as "lowly"!

01:31:08.745 FaceDirection: 0.03490658476948738 Text (14): I have no idea what goes on here, but I will gladly join your fight against this impudent imbecile!

01:31:18.092 FaceDirection Entry: 20904 Text (14) (5): Prepare to defend yourself, cretin!

01:31:22.962 Text (11173): I just need to get some things ready first. You guys go ahead and get started. I need to summon up some water.... FaceDirection: 5.691041946411132812 Cast ID - 36879 Conjure Water

01:31:31.057 Text (11174): Fantastic! Next, some protective spells. Yeah, now we're cookin'! Cast ID - 36880 Arcane Intellect

01:31:34.297 Cast ID - 36881 Ice Armor

01:31:40.800 FaceDirection: 5.691041946411132812 Cast ID - 30024 Drink StandState: 0 Text (11175): And of course I'll need some mana. You guys are gonna love this; just wait....

01:31:47.297 Text (11176): Aaalllriiiight!! Who ordered up an extra large can of whoop-ass? X: 445.88043 Y: -158.70554 Z: 43.068977 X: 418.56122 Y: -150.25023 Z: 42.8619 X: 425.56122 Y: -152.50023 Z: 42.8619 X: 426.31122 Y: -152.75023 Z: 43.3619 X: 427.81122 Y: -153.00023 Z: 43.3619 X: 445.31122 Y: -158.25023 Z: 43.1119

On WP Finished: Wait 1000ms FaceDirection Entry: 20904 Remove Immunity Flags

Gultask commented 1 year ago
+----------+---------+-----------+-------+--------------+----------+----------+-------+   +--------------+----------+----------+-------+   +---------------+----------+----------+-------+
| Creature | Spell   | Cast time | Usage | Average (ms) | Min (ms) | Max (ms) | Count |   | Average (ms) | Min (ms) | Max (ms) | Count |   | Average (ms)  | Min (ms) | Max (ms) | Count |
+----------+---------+-----------+-------+--------------+----------+----------+-------+   +--------------+----------+----------+-------+   +---------------+----------+----------+-------+
|                                        |                  INITIAL                   |   |                   REPEAT                   |   |                COMBAT LENGTH                |
+==========+=========+===========+=======+==============+==========+==========+=======+   +==============+==========+==========+=======+   +===============+==========+==========+=======+
|   20870  |   36123 |           | 100%  | 9700         |          |          | 1     |   | 22250        | 14550    | 40050    | 11    |   | 264050        |          |          | 1     |
|          +---------+-----------+-------+--------------+----------+----------+-------+   +--------------+----------+----------+-------+   +               +          +          +       |
|          |   36119 |           | 100%  | 13300        |          |          | 1     |   | 16350        | 10900    | 37550    | 15    |   |               |          |          |       |
|          +---------+-----------+-------+--------------+----------+----------+-------+   +--------------+----------+----------+-------+   +               +          +          +       |
|          |   36127 |           | 100%  | 23000        |          |          | 1     |   | 18450        | 12100    | 26650    | 13    |   |               |          |          |       |
+==========+=========+===========+=======+==============+==========+==========+=======+   +==============+==========+==========+=======+   +===============+==========+==========+=======+
|   20886  |   35759 |           | 100%  | 16050        |          |          | 1     |   | 18250        | 3650     | 33950    | 17    |   | 328650        |          |          | 1     |
|          +---------+-----------+-------+--------------+----------+----------+-------+   +--------------+----------+----------+-------+   +               +          +          +       |
|          |   36512 |           | 100%  | 27750        |          |          | 1     |   | 28400        | 24250    | 36350    | 10    |   |               |          |          |       |
|          +---------+-----------+-------+--------------+----------+----------+-------+   +--------------+----------+----------+-------+   +               +          +          +       |
|          |   36038 |           | 100%  | 29750        |          |          | 1     |   | 31550        | 24250    | 50900    | 9     |   |               |          |          |       |
+==========+=========+===========+=======+==============+==========+==========+=======+   +==============+==========+==========+=======+   +===============+==========+==========+=======+
|   20885  |   36173 |           | 100%  | 15700        |          |          | 1     |   | 26350        | 13300    | 54500    | 24    |   | 671700        |          |          | 1     |
|          +---------+-----------+-------+--------------+----------+----------+-------+   +--------------+----------+----------+-------+   +               +          +          +       |
|          |   36142 |           | 100%  | 19350        |          |          | 1     |   | 26700        | 20600    | 38750    | 24    |   |               |          |          |       |
|          +---------+-----------+-------+--------------+----------+----------+-------+   +--------------+----------+----------+-------+   +               +          +          +       |
|          |   36144 |           | 100%  | 25350        |          |          | 1     |   | 26700        | 20600    | 38750    | 24    |   |               |          |          |       |
+==========+=========+===========+=======+==============+==========+==========+=======+   +==============+==========+==========+=======+   +===============+==========+==========+=======+
|   20977  |   14034 |           | 100%  | 19350        | 3650     | 35100    | 2     |   | 19050        | 3250     | 54900    | 13    |   | 188000        | 186050   | 190000   | 2     |
|          +---------+-----------+-------+--------------+----------+----------+-------+   +--------------+----------+----------+-------+   +               +          +          +       |
|          |   12611 |           | 100%  | 19350        | 9300     | 29450    | 2     |   | 46000        | 20950    | 89600    | 3     |   |               |          |          |       |
|          +---------+-----------+-------+--------------+----------+----------+-------+   +--------------+----------+----------+-------+   +               +          +          +       |
|          |   13341 |           | 100%  | 19350        | 11700    | 27050    | 2     |   | 27450        | 12900    | 57300    | 9     |   |               |          |          |       |
|          +---------+-----------+-------+--------------+----------+----------+-------+   +--------------+----------+----------+-------+   +               +          +          +       |
|          |   36911 |           | 100%  | 14950        | 13300    | 16550    | 2     |   | 99250        | 83900    | 114600   | 2     |   |               |          |          |       |
|          +---------+-----------+-------+--------------+----------+----------+-------+   +--------------+----------+----------+-------+   +               +          +          +       |
|          |   15497 |           | 100%  | 16400        | 9250     | 23500    | 2     |   | 17900        | 1200     | 63750    | 17    |   |               |          |          |       |
|          +---------+-----------+-------+--------------+----------+----------+-------+   +--------------+----------+----------+-------+   +               +          +          +       |
|          |   33832 |           | 100%  | 43150        | 31100    | 55250    | 2     |   | 18350        | 5650     | 63750    | 14    |   |               |          |          |       |
|          +---------+-----------+-------+--------------+----------+----------+-------+   +--------------+----------+----------+-------+   +               +          +          +       |
|          |   33975 |           | 100%  | 63350        | 46400    | 80250    | 2     |   | 45200        | 28250    | 62100    | 4     |   |               |          |          |       |
+==========+=========+===========+=======+==============+==========+==========+=======+   +==============+==========+==========+=======+   +===============+==========+==========+=======+
|   20912  |   36924 |           | 100%  | 3600         |          |          | 1     |   | 9900         | 8450     | 10900    | 18    |   | 181650        |          |          | 1     |
|          +---------+-----------+-------+--------------+----------+----------+-------+   +--------------+----------+----------+-------+   +               +          +          +       |
|          |   39415 |           | 100%  | 6050         |          |          | 1     |   | 40250        | 20550    | 61700    | 4     |   |               |          |          |       |
|          +---------+-----------+-------+--------------+----------+----------+-------+   +--------------+----------+----------+-------+   +               +          +          +       |
|          |   37162 |           | 100%  | 13300        |          |          | 1     |   | 33400        | 31450    | 33900    | 5     |   |               |          |          |       |
|          +---------+-----------+-------+--------------+----------+----------+-------+   +--------------+----------+----------+-------+   +               +          +          +       |
|          |   36931 |           | 100%  | 169400       |          |          | 1     |   |              |          |          |       |   |               |          |          |       |
|          +---------+-----------+-------+--------------+----------+----------+-------+   +--------------+----------+----------+-------+   +               +          +          +       |
|          |   36937 |           | 100%  | 169400       |          |          | 1     |   |              |          |          |       |   |               |          |          |       |
|          +---------+-----------+-------+--------------+----------+----------+-------+   +--------------+----------+----------+-------+   +               +          +          +       |
|          |   36932 |           | 100%  | 169400       |          |          | 1     |   |              |          |          |       |   |               |          |          |       |
+==========+=========+===========+=======+==============+==========+==========+=======+   +==============+==========+==========+=======+   +===============+==========+==========+=======+