Gultask / Research-Wotlk

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[TBC] The Steamvault #6

Open Gultask opened 1 year ago

Gultask commented 1 year ago

This will be used for now to hold notes for fixing AC's implementation.

Hydromancer Thespia

All spells are random target Do adds respawn on wipe?

On Aggro: You will drown in blood! (14) On ???: Enjoy the storm warm bloods! (14) On Death: Our matron will be... the end of you. (14)

Mekgineer Steamrigger

On Aggro: Eat hot metal, scumbags! On Summon Steamrigger Mechanics: Tune 'em up good, boys! On Death: Mommy!

Summon Gnomes are used for summoning the adds

Warlord Kalithresh

When his door is opened, a group leaves the room/is spawned Does not need spells cast for Spell Reflection Head Crack can target tank Naga Distiller is on a timer Naga Distiller can be reused if not destroyed Naga Distiller can't be targeted if not activated by boss The closest Naga Distiller is chosen, it's not in order There is a small pause between reaching the Naga Distiller and activating it // Packet delays, 1200ms If right next to the Naga Distiller, there is no pause. On death, all Naga Distiller are killed Naga Distiller flags aren't reset if it's successfull Kalithresh moves to 5.5y from Distiller, exact 8

On 35y: You deem yourselves worthy... On Aggro: Your head will roll! On Naga Distiller: This is not nearly over..., begins to channel from the nearby distiller... On Death: For her Excellency... for... Vashj!


Need to interact with Gobs You hear a faint echo... (16) -- Hydromancer You hear a loud rumble of metal grinding on stone... -- Mekgineer Steamrigger Based on boss or order?


Gultask commented 1 year ago
+----------+---------+-----------+-------+--------------+----------+----------+-------+   +--------------+----------+----------+-------+   +---------------+----------+----------+-------+
| Creature | Spell   | Cast time | Usage | Average (ms) | Min (ms) | Max (ms) | Count |   | Average (ms) | Min (ms) | Max (ms) | Count |   | Average (ms)  | Min (ms) | Max (ms) | Count |
+----------+---------+-----------+-------+--------------+----------+----------+-------+   +--------------+----------+----------+-------+   +---------------+----------+----------+-------+
|                                        |                  INITIAL                   |   |                   REPEAT                   |   |                COMBAT LENGTH                |
+==========+=========+===========+=======+==============+==========+==========+=======+   +==============+==========+==========+=======+   +===============+==========+==========+=======+
|   21338  |   16100 |           | 21%   | 100          | 100      | 100      | 3     |   |              |          |          |       |   | 5850          | 100      | 10250    | 14    |
|          +---------+-----------+-------+--------------+----------+----------+-------+   +--------------+----------+----------+-------+   +               +          +          +       |
|          |   13444 |           | 7%    | 8100         |          |          | 1     |   |              |          |          |       |   |               |          |          |       |
|          +---------+-----------+-------+--------------+----------+----------+-------+   +--------------+----------+----------+-------+   +               +          +          +       |
|          |   13446 |           | 14%   | 8700         | 8100     | 9300     | 2     |   |              |          |          |       |   |               |          |          |       |
|          +---------+-----------+-------+--------------+----------+----------+-------+   +--------------+----------+----------+-------+   +               +          +          +       |
|          |   12739 |           | 7%    | 4450         |          |          | 1     |   |              |          |          |       |   |               |          |          |       |
+==========+=========+===========+=======+==============+==========+==========+=======+   +==============+==========+==========+=======+   +===============+==========+==========+=======+
|   17796  |   31486 |           | 100%  | 10800        |          |          | 1     |   | 11850        | 6050     | 30300    | 77    |   | 924800        |          |          | 1     |
|          +---------+-----------+-------+--------------+----------+----------+-------+   +--------------+----------+----------+-------+   +               +          +          +       |
|          |   35107 |           | 100%  | 14400        |          |          | 1     |   | 28000        | 21800    | 48450    | 32    |   |               |          |          |       |
|          +---------+-----------+-------+--------------+----------+----------+-------+   +--------------+----------+----------+-------+   +               +          +          +       |
|          |   31485 |           | 100%  | 26550        |          |          | 1     |   | 44600        | 35100    | 72700    | 20    |   |               |          |          |       |
|          +---------+-----------+-------+--------------+----------+----------+-------+   +--------------+----------+----------+-------+   +               +          +          +       |
|          |   26662 |           | 100%  | 300200       |          |          | 1     |   |              |          |          |       |   |               |          |          |       |
|          +---------+-----------+-------+--------------+----------+----------+-------+   +--------------+----------+----------+-------+   +               +          +          +       |
|          |   64112 |           | 100%  | 300200       |          |          | 1     |   |              |          |          |       |   |               |          |          |       |
+==========+=========+===========+=======+==============+==========+==========+=======+   +==============+==========+==========+=======+   +===============+==========+==========+=======+
|   17797  |   25033 |           | 100%  | 10900        |          |          | 1     |   | 14250        | 12100    | 26700    | 106   |   | 1534550       |          |          | 1     |
|          +---------+-----------+-------+--------------+----------+----------+-------+   +--------------+----------+----------+-------+   +               +          +          +       |
|          |   31718 |           | 100%  | 13350        |          |          | 1     |   | 36900        | 30300    | 50950    | 41    |   |               |          |          |       |
|          +---------+-----------+-------+--------------+----------+----------+-------+   +--------------+----------+----------+-------+   +               +          +          +       |
|          |   31481 |           | 100%  | 14550        |          |          | 1     |   | 24100        | 20600    | 37600    | 63    |   |               |          |          |       |
+==========+=========+===========+=======+==============+==========+==========+=======+   +==============+==========+==========+=======+   +===============+==========+==========+=======+
|   17917  |   37924 |           | 133%  | 9700         | 6050     | 12100    | 8     |   | 16900        | 12100    | 33900    | 45    |   | 52800         | 26650    | 75150    | 6     |
+==========+=========+===========+=======+==============+==========+==========+=======+   +==============+==========+==========+=======+   +===============+==========+==========+=======+
|   17798  |   16172 |           | 100%  | 15750        |          |          | 1     |   | 49400        | 44850    | 58100    | 15    |   | 761050        |          |          | 1     |
|          +---------+-----------+-------+--------------+----------+----------+-------+   +--------------+----------+----------+-------+   +               +          +          +       |
|          |   31534 |           | 100%  | 20600        |          |          | 1     |   | 28350        | 20600    | 37550    | 26    |   |               |          |          |       |
|          +---------+-----------+-------+--------------+----------+----------+-------+   +--------------+----------+----------+-------+   +               +          +          +       |
|          |   37081 |           | 100%  | 20600        |          |          | 1     |   | 51850        | 46050    | 92050    | 14    |   |               |          |          |       |
+----------+---------+-----------+-------+--------------+----------+----------+-------+   +--------------+----------+----------+-------+   +---------------+----------+----------+-------+

Kalithresh starts Distiller event starting at 20s and every 46s after

Gultask commented 1 year ago
DELETE FROM `spell_target_position` WHERE `ID` IN (31528, 31529, 31530);
INSERT INTO `spell_target_position` (`ID`, `EffectIndex`, `MapID`, `PositionX`, `PositionY`, `PositionZ`, `Orientation`, `VerifiedBuild`) VALUES
(31528, 0, 545, -316.102, -166.444, -7.66667, 0, 48749),
(31529, 0, 545, -348.497, -161.719, -7.66667, 0, 48749),
(31530, 0, 545, -331.162, -112.213, -7.66667, 0, 48749);