GumbyFramework / Gumby

A Flexible, Responsive CSS Framework - Powered by Sass
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Modular Scale issue #255

Closed jtiptoni1 closed 9 years ago

jtiptoni1 commented 9 years ago

If anyone has a recommendation for settings to check/change I would greatly appreciate the help as all setting changes and Google searching has not solved the issue.

I am having trouble getting modular scale to work properly. I have tried to use both the Gumby extension for modular scale and the Gem by editing the config.rb and both have given the same result. The settings: in _modular-scale.scss $base-size: 16px !default; in _typography.scss h1 {@include font-size($xxxlarge); in _settings.scss $xxxlarge: ms(6) note: all of these are from the default download of Gumby and have not been edited. The resulting output is that all headings are way too large, for example: h1 { font-size: 287px; font-size: 17.92857rem; }

I have read through the other issues listed here with Modular Scale such as: and have since downgraded to the following versions: modular-scale -v 1.0.6 sass -v 3.2.19 compass -v 0.12.6

But the problem still is not resolved.

I know that the modular scale is loading as I changed: in _modular-scale.scss $base-size: 14px !default; and received the following results h1 { font-size: 251px; font-size: 17.92857rem; }

You can view the generated page:

Thank you for any suggestions on this.

jasontipton commented 9 years ago

This item can be removed. The issue ended up being config.rb needing to be up a folder and sass cache folder permissions preventing the cache from being completely deleted on 'compass clean'.