Guneshj / Project-prac

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Home page #2

Open Guneshj opened 1 month ago

Guneshj commented 1 month ago

Check Home page code I have created code to Create new Event & also i have created a new table in DB named as 'event'. After Submitting we have to go on event page and see all details about event & created event shows in DB

please check this @OmkarS08

OmkarS08 commented 1 month ago

In the Backend Make these changes or copy the code as it is'/create', (req, res) => { //const sqll = "SELECT * FROM event WHEREEvent_name= ? ANDdetails` = ?";

const sql = "INSERT INTO event (`Event_name`, `details`) VALUES (?)";
const values =[
db.query(sql, [values], (err, data) => {
  //  if(err) return res.json("Error");
    return res.json(data);


mistakes - typos in 'creat' and Event_name where in the frontend we have initialised as event_name

### In the Frontend

function handleSubmit(event) { event.preventDefault();'http://localhost:8081/create', {event_name, details}) .then(res => { console.log(res)}) .catch(err => console.log(err))}


remove useNavigate() it should not navigate to the other home page

After Making the changes check the table if the values or inserted properly And also send images of event_table