GunnarFarneback / LocalRegistry.jl

Create and maintain local registries for Julia packages.
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Can I rename a package? #89

Closed liuyxpp closed 3 weeks ago

liuyxpp commented 4 weeks ago

Currently, it seems rename a package is not allowed. I get the following message:

HEAD is now at 0f6f130 New version: MyPackageNew v0.1.0
Already on 'main'
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/main'.
ERROR: Changing package name is not supported.
 [1] error(s::String)
   @ Base ./error.jl:35
 [2] do_register(package::Nothing, registry::Nothing; commit::Bool, push::Bool, branch::Nothing, repo::Nothing, ignore_reregistration::Bool, allow_package_dirty::Bool, gitconfig::Dict{Any, Any}, create_gitlab_mr::Bool)
   @ LocalRegistry ~/.julia/packages/LocalRegistry/WR3PJ/src/LocalRegistry.jl:345
 [3] do_register
   @ ~/.julia/packages/LocalRegistry/WR3PJ/src/LocalRegistry.jl:191 [inlined]
 [4] #register#2
   @ ~/.julia/packages/LocalRegistry/WR3PJ/src/LocalRegistry.jl:184 [inlined]
 [5] register
   @ ~/.julia/packages/LocalRegistry/WR3PJ/src/LocalRegistry.jl:181 [inlined]
 [6] register()
   @ LocalRegistry ~/.julia/packages/LocalRegistry/WR3PJ/src/LocalRegistry.jl:181
 [7] top-level scope
   @ REPL[2]:1

I cannot find any help to resolve this issue. How can I register the renamed package? Do I have to delete the old package manually? Thanks!

GunnarFarneback commented 4 weeks ago

The easiest way to rename a package is to change both its name and its uuid. The latter means it's really a different package, but what goals do you have with keeping the uuid that wouldn't work with changing it?