Open m040601 opened 2 years ago
Sorry for not responding earlier - I thought I already had!
I'm not sure why membership in the video group is not sufficient. I did some tinkering to see if there was a way around it, but it appears not. An alternative approach could be to set the setuid bit on fbgrab.
Regards, Gunnar
First of all just like to thank you for this tool and keeping it maintained, updated and alive. It's so usefull. And it's a rarity these days to find people with interest and working tools (not abandonware) for the linux framebuffer.
I'm on Archlinux.
I use the officially released package for fbgrab, Currently is at version 1.5-2. I'm a member of the "wheel" group. So if, and only if, it is needed, I can "sudo someapp". I'm a member of the "video" group.
I dont use a desktop environment. I dont use a window manager. I dont even start X.
I just watch videos, or images or pdfs in separate console (tty) from the one I'm working. I dont need to use sudo. I just type "mpv somevideo.mp4". Example.
All this works perfectly together. I can change back and forth between the different consoles (using Alt and left/right arrow keys) and to my stuff. All the apps running at the same time. And all this time I only see a "/dev/fb0" "special device" on my system. And a "/dev/console"
Now what I want to do ?
I want to take a screenshot, for example of whatever video is running on tty2. Now, and this is important, because there is no concept of "windows", that video fills the entire screen. Of course. So, I cant type in the console, while the video is playing. I have to go to another console to type "fbgrab ..." to make the screenshot.
I must have read and reread this a thousand times, but I still cant get what I want. Maybe I am miss interpreting something here
On the man page,
Using "fbgrab -h"
I go to tty1. I tried countless variations using both "-c" and "-C" of:
Always get the damned message
So, maybe using sudo ?
Ahhh. It works ! But, ... why ? Why do I need to use "sudo" ? I didnt need sudo to start mpv, or a picture viewer etc. All those tty's are already open, belong to me, and have programs running. I also dont need sudo, for example, to go somewhere else, tty6 (ALT-F6), and "chvt 2". That moves me automatically to tty2 where the video is playing
Am I trying something not possible ? Or is this the way it is supposed to work ? Why cant the membership in video group be "enough" for fbgrab ?
After all, if I am at my own tty1, and want a screenshot of tty1, I dont need root.
Why do I need to be root to just make a screenshot in a different tty than the one I'm currently at ?
The only related info I found was this,
It's on the man page of "fbcat", Which I think is a fork of your fbgrab.
Framebuffer/console/drm/xyz rights, permissions and modern mechanisms might all be "obvious" for a Linux developer. But this is all giberish for us end users. A little bit like rocket science. And nowadays, even we, linux console end users, are a tiny minority of the minority. Very difficult to find updated information on the Internet. Maybe you could add a word or two to the man page or README, helping to better grasp this issue for an end user.
Thanks in advance.
PS1: I should also maybe inform that I have this on "/etc/systemd/journald.conf",
I have this because I dont need/want systemd filling my systemd with gigabytes of logs. But if I want to watch them "live" I just go to console tty13. By default it is mapped to "AltGr-F1". Very convenient. When the system shuts down, all of those logs stored in RAM vanish of course.