GuntherRademacher / rr

RR - Railroad Diagram Generator
Apache License 2.0
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XML Parsing Error on Published Page #26

Closed sebfisch closed 9 months ago

sebfisch commented 9 months ago presents an XML parsing error instead of the actual page.

Firefox Screenshot: Screenshot 2023-10-11 111752

mingodad commented 9 months ago

Probably you'll need to add the input that created the error !

GuntherRademacher commented 9 months ago

That unclosed link element causing the XML parsing failure, <link rel="stylesheet"..., does not originate from It must have been inserted on the client side, presumably by some browser plugin, or possibly even by malware. Also it refers to some service running on port 51991 on your local machine. You might want to check what that is, and who is doing this.