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Algo-Rythmic Dances | CompSci Blogs #9

Open utterances-bot opened 3 months ago

utterances-bot commented 3 months ago

Algo-Rythmic Dances | CompSci Blogs

Insertion Sort time complexity is N^2 the unsorted element will be popped out and the list shifts one spot over to create a space for the object that must be sorted into the correct spot. the sorted object is compared with the other elements of the list to determine the correct spot student example: longest pool noodle Quick Sort splits array into 2 sub arrays one less and greater recursion happens until array is fully sorted time complexity n*log(n) student example: largest number Bubble Sort best 0n worst 0 n^2 compares 2 elements and they swithc positions depending on value starts by comparing 1,2 and then after full cycle starts again at 0 student example: which pickup line was the most liked Merge Sort time complexi

jm1021 commented 3 months ago

Nice technical capture