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Tarun and Gurshawn Issue #9

Open tarunja1ks opened 4 months ago

tarunja1ks commented 4 months ago

Plan Ideation:

In this final project, me and Gurshawn will be working on the social networking side of our website. We will be working on connecting people through public message boards and social networking. With this some features we will have include a discussion board, and also viewing on other people's user profile through a profile picture image and also seeing details such as their friendship and also seeing if they are a friend of a friend or what level of friend they are.

Algorithmic Requirements:

Loops (Algorithmic) Show specific example of building a List using List Comprehension. Show examples of processing a list using conventional and for each methods.

For the level of friends we find between too people we will be using the depth first search algoirthim which requires loops to create the dictionary or the map that connects the nodes of each of the friends which is using lists and using list comprehension.

Sorting / Searching (Algorithmic) Show examples of sorting and searching using the backend of your project.. FYI, SQLAlchemy allows filtered selections and sorting. Additionally, you have sorting options discussed in tech talk.

The example of sorting that will be used in our search of all of the user's friends so we will sort through the list of friends for each person by alphabetical order to make it ordered. The searching algorithim will also involve going thorugh the list of the

Big(O) Illustrate Space and Time complexity used in your Sorting / Searching algorithm.

The time complexity of the depth first search algorithim will be O(n) and the sorting algorithim for list of friends is O(nlogn)(using quick sort).

2D Iteration Show examples of code that use 2D iteration. This can be anywhere in your code where you are using rows and columns. Going through individual dming of each user so each row will contain the list of messages for each of the friends, which will be contained in an index.

Plan: May 21st, Finish table backend functions for adding friends May 22th- Finish the Depth First Search Algorithim May 23th- If time and done with frontend continue working on the breadth first search and finding level of friends May 24th- Working on the frontend and possibly adding a message dming to friends feature May 25th- Prepare for Live Reviewing and Deployment