Guribo / UdonVoiceUtils

Tools/Components for UDON (VRChat) based worlds. Includes private channels, reverb, auto player range adjustment, etc. for player voices.
MIT License
142 stars 4 forks source link

Build Aborted. #10

Closed ElMoha943 closed 1 year ago

ElMoha943 commented 1 year ago

Hi i get an error when building the scene: imagen imagen

Step to reproduce:

I tried reimporting the pack already, also made sure that all references where there and even double checked with a friends project.

ElMoha943 commented 1 year ago

I may add that the error also popups when going into playmode, and after it aborts all references of the betterplayeraudiocontroler are empty.

Guribo commented 1 year ago

I am looking into it, thanks! As a side note: this version is very outdated so I may just provide the latest version soon and update the repository ;)

Guribo commented 1 year ago

You may have to recompile your scripts manually and also check your console for errors. It may not be related to my unity package. Go to any GameObject with an UdonSharp script on it and click on recompile all:


I could not reproduce the issue. Here is what I did:

  1. Using the Companion I created a new UdonSharpProject:


  2. I added no extra packages and just opened it and wait for everything from VRChat to import:


    These are the packages currently available by the way:


  3. I got greated with an empty project:

  4. I imported the latest unitypackage :


  5. There was 2 prefab errors on the console, these are not really an issue though.


  6. I imported the TMP essentials and closed the TMP Importer window afterwards:


  7. Lastly I opened the example scene that comes with the unity package:


  8. The scene opened and is marked with an asterisk, indicating that something got changed. I just save the scene:


  9. I clear the console:


  10. And finally log into my account and click Build & Test:


All I see now is Unity building the scene and 3 instances of VRChat starting...


Everything works as expected too.


Hope this gives you an idea

Guribo commented 1 year ago

I also tested the way you described now and now I can confirm it gives the error :(

  1. created new Scene with floor and World descriptor: image

  2. Added main prefab and a Microphone:


  3. I saved the scene and again clicked on Build & Test: image

  4. Error occurs:


ElMoha943 commented 1 year ago

Hi there, i was able to fix it but tbh i dont even know how. I may wait for you to update to lastest version.

Guribo commented 1 year ago

To fix it I tried to unack the prefabs:


and I clicked Recompile all a few times and I set all references to UdonCommon, UdonMath, UdonDebug and BetterPlayerAudio manually (Edit: there was quite a few more references broken on the now unpacked prefab scripts, it was throwing exceptions after I launched the scene in the end):

image image

I clicked save scene again and also recompile all, followed by one more save scene.

Now it builds and I can test the scene:


Guribo commented 1 year ago

You can get it work that way but that is obviously not what I want the workflow to be. I can't give a date though when the new version releases, I will try to get this done soon. Hope you understand.

Guribo commented 1 year ago

I will leave this ticket open until I uploaded the new version.

ElMoha943 commented 1 year ago

I can confirm that setting everything a few times and saving the scene fixes it.

Guribo commented 1 year ago this is the new version that I intend to release soon.

Make sure to make a backup of your project first remove the Guribo folder if you have it in your project import restart Unity (it will complain about compiler errors otherwise which is a false positive) check the demo scene: Packages/tlp.udonvoiceutils/Runtime/Scenes/PrivateZones/PrivateZones.unity

My Utilities and the Audio stuff has moved to the Packages folder, all of my stuff can be found int TLP.* folders

ElMoha943 commented 1 year ago

Hi there, its been a long time. I ended up coding my own solution actually, but i will make sure to test your version on a map and report any bugs i encounter, thanx for your work!