python -X dev -Werror::DeprecationWarning -m unittest discover -b
Output shows two different warnings. From scipy:
DeprecationWarning: `getrow` is deprecated and will be removed in v1.14.0; use `X[[0]]` instead.
From numpy:
DeprecationWarning: `alltrue` is deprecated as of NumPy 1.25.0, and will be removed in NumPy 2.0. Please use `all` instead.
scipy 1.14 is just recently released so this already causes a test error. We can't support numpy 2.0 until gurobipy does but should still fix the above issues.
Run the following with numpy 1.26 and scipy 1.13:
Output shows two different warnings. From scipy:
From numpy:
scipy 1.14 is just recently released so this already causes a test error. We can't support numpy 2.0 until gurobipy does but should still fix the above issues.